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Messages - Bruciato (15)

Pages: [1] 2
Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:58:51 am »
<is under the impression that generally just agencies/big corporations run politics & the rest are basically puppets.
That's a sure thing

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Elemental Dungeons
« on: October 07, 2011, 05:15:48 am »
I read half of the initial post but I found it a bit cconfusing.. But I like the name elemental dungeons, reminds me of the best pc card game ever made: Magic Shandralaar (or whatever it was called).

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Achievements: Possible or Too much?
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:00:04 am »
In short:


Thank you, for actually coming up with this.
I second this.
I third this.

Duo-Decks / Re: Accelered Voodoo Dolls (Un-Upgraded)
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:44:33 am »
Looks very interesting but looks slow, I'm gonna try this

Gold League Decks / Earth Nymph
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:41:49 am »
How to overwork an earth nymph deck? Any suggestions on what deck could I make? I thought about a gravity/earth deck with earth nymphs, pulverizers, otyughs, a gravity nymph, a couple of black holes and quicksands.. But I really don't know what to do and I don't wanna blow the chance to have 5 free nymphs in my arena deck (level 57)

Any suggestions please?  :)

The Arena / Re: EM Farming silver better than farming gold?
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:56:23 pm »
A little update, played another 30 minutes before to sleep

The Arena / Re: EM Farming silver better than farming gold?
« on: July 28, 2011, 06:02:45 pm »
Sorry but I have no time right now, I made 20 fast games (made some mistakes because I had not much time to play) and this is what I got, don't bother at the table, just look at stats on the right  :)

% of EM are based on the total games, not on wins. And played time are obviously seconds.

The games I lost were against to aether decks with dimensional shields, fire decks with fire shields and fire lances, a nice death deck with bone walls, shards of gratitude and poisons.. and in 2 games I had crappy draws.. I will update this later this week

The Arena / Re: EM Farming silver better than farming gold?
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:57:40 pm »
Thank you for the links  :)

Still no stats, but I had other 10 wins in a row, then I got 6/8 so no bonus.. But still, EM wins are really a lot and makes it worth both for money and score.. Plus, you get very fast games  8)

The Arena / Re: EM Farming silver better than farming gold?
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:23:30 am »
I started to farm with this deck (this deck is not mine, I can't recall who made it or the name, I just made one change -1ImprovedHeal and +1EliteWyrm to the original, if anyone recalls who made it tell me please) in the Silver league and it looks really good

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 713 74f 74f 74f 77g 77g 7ai 7ai 7ai 7dq 7gm 7gm 7jr 7mu 7tf 80g 8pj

I don't have any statistics, but I can tell I made 5/5 wins in a row, then 4/5 wins (losing the last one) and another 5/5 wins. Around 60%/70% EM wins (138 coins per game) and a couple of weapons, plus around 80/90 score per game won.

Since it looked really badass I'm just going to continue.

P.S: I'm kinda new to the forum even if I played Elements for quite some time, can anybody link me a post for easy statistics calculations? Thanks a lot, so I can post the stats of this.

Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:19:35 am »
As far as I know, U.S. can't have a debt bigger than $14.294 billions (law restriction) and the 2nd August politicians must find a way to raise this limit and change the law. If they don't, U.S. will have to cut a lot of costs (usually against citizens). Bankrupt isn't any close, but "smoking" $8.000 billions in 5 years is really unbelievable.
That's a self-imposed problem. "Finding a way" isn't difficult. Congress could repeal the debt limit at any time - not just raise it, but get rid of it completely. The only thing holding it up is that one party has decided to take the economy hostage. It's a political problem, not a financial problem. Investors are buying US Treasury bonds at negative real interest rates for the short-term and medium-term. That's not what markets do when they feel that a country has too much debt.
Sorry I probably explained myself in a wrong way, I wasn't making any comparison or saying that U.S. are going into bankrupt, I just wanted to say that raising the debt from 6k billions to 14k billions in 5 years is insane. Of course they can raise the limit or do whatever they want, this doesn't change the insanity of the spending, that's all

Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: July 17, 2011, 10:38:16 pm »
P.S: U.S.A. don't look too good either, you got 14.000 billions of debt and you too are almost in bankrupt thanks to all the wars around the globe. (debt was 6.000 billions in 2006 if I recall it right)
US debt in itself is not a problem.
As far as I know, U.S. can't have a debt bigger than $14.294 billions (law restriction) and the 2nd August politicians must find a way to raise this limit and change the law. If they don't, U.S. will have to cut a lot of costs (usually against citizens). Bankrupt isn't any close, but "smoking" $8.000 billions in 5 years is really unbelievable.

Italy is crap, politically speaking, corruption and democracy are the worst situations here. That's for sure.

Politics / Re: Question about Italian politics
« on: July 17, 2011, 11:23:30 am »
Disclaimer: I am an American, and the large majority of my news about Italy comes from British sources -- the BBC News website, and The Economist. Please forgive my questions if they are ignorant.
Nothing to forgive, I always appreciate who tries to get informations about the world with some intelligence instead (or in addition) of reading a newspaper.

My question, for anyone who knows more about Italian politics than I do: How does Silvio Berlusconi stay in office?
Silvio Berlusconi just minds his own business and aim to a dictatorship, that's my opinion of course. But the laws he makes and the ones which he would love to make are clear enough. Since the 7th July 2011 the governement can shutdown any website they want without any judge to say a word. Just to say one of these controversial laws. Only Birmany, Iran and China got this kind of law, as far as I know.

Do most Italians like him? If they don't, are the other choices so bad that he looks good by comparison?
PdL (Berlusconi's party) at the latest elections got 18% of about 60% of voters, this means he really got just a 11%. So he represents just the 11% of italians, but thanks to the retarded laws he gets much more power.

Does his business holdings allow him to influence what the media says about him?
Yes, absolutely. In a catastrophic way, because italians are now down to a retarded state. But there are many italians who still can use their heads and go find the news on the internet instead of dieing in front of a television.

And the British media seem to think that he talks about Communists a lot. Does he?
Yes, he stereotyped any persons against him into a communist. So every italian who support Berlusconi just refer to anyone else as a communist. That's a bad and false word to define the opposition. But the opposition is retarded in the same way as Berlusconi is, because they just keep saying that everything wrong in Italy is Berlusconi's fault. So on the newspapers, on the televisions, everyone is talking about Berlusconi vs communists, which is really stupid.

Really, I sent a letter to the American government, asking to please attack us and bring some democracy. There's almost none here. Politicians keep stealing from us and destroying every region. I'm in Veneto (Venice's region) and we pay €70billions/year of taxes and we get services for (so the italian governement says -> means they pay less) about €50billions/year. This means that Veneto lacks of €20billions/year. Where these euros go? Mafia? Camorra? Politicians? Many independent movements are growing now, like the faithful to the Most Serene Republic of Venice (ended in 1797 thanks to Napoleone, Italy and freemasonry) which still is the most long republic ever (1100 years long). But many other independent movements are growing in Sicily, Sardinia, Naples and many others. Just like Catalunya, Scotland (which is going to become independent in 2014 I think with a referendum) and many others even in Europe.

Italy just failed as a state. We're almost in bankrupt and we're going to lose almost everything while, to make an exemple, Giuliano Amato (an italian politician) gets around €31.000/month just as pension. But a revolution is coming, in a few years. I just hope we make it like the Frenchmen in 1799 (was it 1799) and we cut off their heads.

Berlusconi is really bad, but none of the politicians in italy are better than him, they all suck to the breast of money and corruption. Trust me, we're going down very very fast.

Sorry for the anger, but I'm tired of this and sorry for my english. School in Italy sucks and I learned it from videogames, tv series and movies.

P.S: U.S.A. don't look too good either, you got 14.000 billions of debt and you too are almost in bankrupt thanks to all the wars around the globe. (debt was 6.000 billions in 2006 if I recall it right)

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blarg: Bruciato