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Messages - Bluend (5)

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Bluend acronds! It's in elemnets!
« on: December 06, 2011, 06:51:18 pm »
Not 100% unique, but most results for websites other than fire emblem turn out my user name.

Not sure if you mean Latin, or Latino. where are you from?
I think is Latino better told
To explain it better: My native language is spanish, so on I have a terrible english

It's somehow nice to know there are some other unique usernames XD most because bluend it's almost a random name e_e

Thanks for welcoming me :)  :fire :gravity :earth

Introduce Yourself / Bluend acronds! It's in elemnets!
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:49:32 am »
Hi everyone! I'm the newbie (in the forum only XD) of the day (or hour, or even minute if it's the case) in the forum!! And I'll like to introduce myself

To stsrt, many persons around the world know me as bluend, my username is unique, I don't know anyone else wirh bluend (in fact, I googled it and all results were me) so on, if you know a bluend, you alreadyknow me

On the other hand, I am Latin, so maybe my english can be HORRIBLY BAD at grammar and spell, so please, do not correct me so much XD

Well, nice to meet you guys, I had plenty of time playing elements, but right now I started in the forum =D I have 2 accounts inthe game, both with bluend names so it's not so hard to find me

My elements are:  :fire :gravity :earth -w- nice to meet you! Bye an d tyanks for welcoming me =D

Humor / Re: Ask BP Some More!
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:18:38 am »
Can I ask in spanish? If that's so here's the deal:

¿Como creo una espada de fuego en la vida real? Necesito 3 :fire quanta?

If you can't well, here's the same deal XD

How do I create a real life farenheit? Do i need 3 :fire ?

World of Elements / Re: WoE - Questions and Answers
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:30:47 am »
Thanks NikaZaslavsky and Jappert, you solved my problems

And actually, I read the rules, but I had those questions unsolved XD

Thanks, wish me luck with those 28 post ._.

World of Elements / Re: WoE - Questions and Answers
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:04:58 pm »
Hi first of all, I'm new here, and I started to like this of WoE and I got a lot of questions (note: I'm a Latin, so my english may not be so good)

  • The game is already playing? I mean, if I enter WoE I will be at disadvantage with a lot of persons?
  • I must wait until I have 30 forum post? I can't start playing right now?
  • I got a lot of upgraded cards (for me, it's a lot jeje) so I can't play them? Because two of them are rare weapons!
  • I got two game accounts, I think I can only play with ome right?
  • what happens if I don't have the cards in my game account?
Thanks I'll appreciste your help  :)  :fire  :earth  :gravity

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