The ancient aetherfish begins this challenge by removing 3 Sparks and 4 Amethyst Pillars from the terrible Aether starter deck. It then changes mark to Entropy. The only reason it keeps one Spark is for the Mutation.

The aetherfish is slow on quanta and offense, but once it manages to gather its tiny brain for a second, it does still hold the unbelievable, completely 100% unmatched power of Aether. Here it can be seen utterly vaporizing AI0's Gargoyle with the legendary, thunderous, awesome, invincible and unavoidably lethal
You better stay the hell back.
The aetherfish won, of course. It sells one Amethyst Pillar and buys one Aether Pillar, mostly because it can. Oh, this is a bazaar-less challenge? Aetherfish doesn't care. It doesn't even know that it's allowed to do that, but it thinks it's a rebel. Incidentally, this finishes two quests for the aetherfish. It bubbles on.
To level 1 AI.

The aetherfish manages the combo it was totally planning on pulling off (totally), and early in a game no less! The feeble AI1 stands no chance despite its powerful early Skull Shield. Or so the aetherfish hopes. Or whatever it feels that's closest to hope.

Sweet plankton! EM! But the aetherfish has yet to win a single card after TWO whole duels. But the aetherfish is well known for its courage, in its own little head anyway, and so it forges on with a smirk that tells a story. A story of a fish who thinks he's being watched by the whole world, and therefore has to act cool.
Nananananananana Nananananananana Aetherfiiiiiiish~
Aetherfish meets a very fat man. He is given a Psion and is told he has the chance to face Hecate. Aetherfish doesn't understand. Takes the Psion and blubs on.