
Offline CalambarTopic starter

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  • Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.
  • https://www.elfdict.com/w/calambar
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199348#msg1199348
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:58:13 am »
Spoiler for August NL 2015:
August 2015

  • Trenzalore is down to the final 7 players!  With majofa and trashduke still on their full 5HP, the lead going into the final rounds will rest in the balance of their match this round.

  • Elemental Conquest, the final PVP Event of the 2015 season, is underway.  After round 3, the field will be cut to 14 players.

  • The biggest event of all, War, will be coming in the near future.  Stay tuned!

  • 12 Lives is about to end, with just rob77dp and Regyptic left alive.  Can the master of death leverage his lead into a title?

  • Eljoemo narrowly squeaked out a win over the field in the Deckbuilding/Writing contest Seven Deadly Haikus.

  • Physsion's flag of air won the art contest of Master Flags.  I guess you could say his flag truly flew above the rest.

  • My Balls are bigger!" could be the shout of the winner of that upgraded tournament.  It was won by iancudorinmarian, on the 4th of July (America's sky certainly sparkled that night). He built three successful killer decks and smashed all of his opponents with both his giant Balls and his creatureless stall decks.
    He said that he liked the rules; but since he is a TO, he (of course) couldn't say anything else. ;)
    Congratulations.  I hope you keep your dangerous Balls at bay. ;)

  • July 18th's Life Control - Unupgraded was one of the very few tournaments where I had the opportunity to participate.  It was won by our Grandmaster, deuce22, who viciously beat me in the final match. ;) He admitted he had good RNG when it was needed. While I couldn't complain about my RNG, he was luckier. Regrettably, he did not prefer the rules; his brief summary of that tourney you can read here. Congratulations on yet another WT win!

  • Our master of  :time, SpikeSpiegel, won Stone Age - Unupgraded on July 25th. It seems that Masters are being a bit fussy these days as he griped that it was not the best set of rules he's seen so far because they were too restrictive. He used only two decks throughout the entire tournament and admitted that the most exciting moment was the final match with DANIEELA, who used mono fire decks. In this instance  :water beat  :fire; when it comes to nature's elements, no one should be surprised by this outcome. ;) Congrats to the winner!

  • Championship League: The 2/2015 season has come to a close.  Unofficial standings show Ginyu taking the title with RootRanger and theelkspeaks close behind, but the race is close enough that will provide an update once it goes official.
  • Battle League: Dynamic newcomers taker and Corri held out for the top 2 spots in the Battle League, and with RootRanger's second in Championship League, Jonathancrazyj's solid performance will also net a top-3 spot.  Congrats to all our winners!
  • The 3/2015 season of Leagues should start in the latter half of August.  Keep your eyes peeled!

  • Kuroaitou's Mafia 50 is well underway, and with three sides in play, this one is still far too close to call!

  • In the Elements Demon Tournament, elementalists show their stuff and slug it out with a variety of powerful moves.  It's not too late to join!

  • Did you like the last round of Tag? Because it's back to get you into the fun! Join "it" today!

  • Fippe's Game of Games, Paradise Lost should be firing on all cylinders soon.  No one knows what they're in for - stay tuned to see just how doomed the players are.

Tea Time with Ginyu

Below is the portion of an interview:

How did you first discover elements?

When I was in 12th grade at school, a friend of mine who I regularly played chess with showed me a new game he found. He was very fascinated of the huge diversity and all the possible combinations, and I became interested. He doesn't play anymore, but I stuck on it.

You're usually very calm and collected. Under what circumstances do you rage usually? Or do anything really crazy?

Sometimes, I rage when RNG decides to troll me continuosly over several games. My rage always keeps verbal, I never shattered anything because of being enraged. Overall, it takes a lot to make me really angry, especially to another person. Years of having to deal with different kinds of trolls in real life and as a chat/forum moderator hardened me a lot.

With the addition of shards to War, do you think you can lead Gravity to a win? What's your strategy for doing so?

I don't think I can win War. I know it.....

Find the rest of this answer and more in Ginyu's official interview

New Members

Spoiler for Introduction posts:

Here are the members who posted in the Introduce Yourself board (but within maximum 30 days after registration to the forums). Just click a certain name to be redirected to corresponding introduction post. Don't be rude, say hello to new comers ;)

Enjoy comic - presentation of new Masters of 2015!
(Note: Below is only an excerpt of the comic, don't miss clicking on a link to a full comic!

Spoiler for An excerpt of the comic:


Electromare [death][darkness][AI4][Arena] by montrossen

This deck review was written by Discord

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
61p 61p 61p 61p 61p 61p 710 710 717 717 717 717 717 717 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 7t9 7t9 7t9 7ta 7ta 7ta 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 8pt

Electromare is not a deck to use in pvp duel, it's used to grind any ague in arena and even AI4. this deck is fun, and is just as strong as you would expect. playing this deck i noticed that bad hands can really throw you off, same with cards like tower shield and plague, lightning storm and pandemonium. then again this deck throws off deck arenas as well, when this deck works, you'll have an easy victory.

Spark(6): the main part of this deck if you want it to work right, spark dies after dealing 3 damage to your opponent. they may not be very strong, but the combo with it in this deck proves spark's worth.

Bone Tower(2): helping you get out the boneyards faster, you only need two with the help of all those pendulums. they're pretty much a backup in case you need the deck to go faster, but they are there if you need them.

Graveyard(6): in order for this deck to work the way you want it to, the boneyards are used for when the sparks die. getting them out as soon as you possibly can would be advised, seeing as the moment you plat a spark, you can no longer put it back in your hand. so if you misclick, then there's no worry.

Death Pendulum(5): these are just used in case you don't exactly get a tower on the first hand, and generate double quantum.

Imrpoved Steal(3): just in case you envy something the opponent has, or if the opponent steals something of yours first, use it wisely.

Eclipse(3): used for buffing the skeletons when the time comes.

Nightmare(6): playing this deck against AI, the AI would be foolish enough to play whatever you nightmare into it's hand, specifically, sparks. make the AI play sparks when you have boneyards out, and it gives you more creatures!

Deck weaknesses: obviously Pandemonium, Plague, Rain Of Fire, and Lightning Storm are huge threats to this deck, when played they can kill off any creatures you already have in your field.with not much in the way of protection, and at the times this deck is slow, the AI could have a little more of a chance of killing you. this deck is also weak against stalls, so be careful which AI you choose.

Deck strengths: of course when you get everything you need out, this deck is going to be a blast of fun grinding arena and AI4. you can just sit there and watch as you play whatever you want out of this deck. when sparks die, or any other of your opponent's creatures, it turns into a skeleton on your side. how fun is that? winning against AI with no trouble while having fun with Death, Aether and Dark all in the same deck?

This deck may be useless against people opponents, but it sure is handy against AIs. you can easily kill off any AI while just having fun with this deck.

This card idea of the month is brought to you by ZephyrPhantom.

Originally created in a "Quickdraw" game of Guess My Card, Fishing Rod demonstrates that exploring unusual element combinations creatively can lead to interesting strategies.

While a lackluster weapon in terms of damage, one must look at Fishing Rod for its ability to cast any Water creature straight from your deck for the low price of 3 :time ignoring any other costs - ironically, you'll benefit more from hooking a Dragon or Nymph in most cases than a Puffer Fish. Best load up your pond with Ice Dragons while you can!

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to call out a load of beatsticks, Fishing Rod can also speed up you ability to thin through your deck in classic Golden Hourglass fashion - a :water / :time stall could include Fishing Rod as an option to quickly draw out squids, whereas an upgraded Animated Weapon Fishing Rod deck might attempt to go for broke and swarm the field with a variety of Water creatures. One particular combo of note is that you could mix this into a SoR Steam Machine deck to draw out Steam Machines onto the field to lower the chances that you'll draw dead Shards of Readiness first.

While it this may seems like a powerful card, keep in mind that it requires fairly quanta-heavy comittment and playing more than one is a bit of struggle compared to Golden Hourglass. Additionally, if your aggressive fishing start gets disrupted by a well-timed mass CC spell or some proper stalling, you may be looking at a very fast deckout while your bait comes up empty; remember kids, pillars don't bite.

Overall, Fishing Rod functions as an excellent demonstration of :water can do in combination with other elements and how simple ideas can give rise to various new strategies. Just remember to bring your bait kit.

Many thanks to:
-Discord for Deck Idea of the Month, list of New Members, interview edit
-ZephyrPhantom for Card Idea of the Month
-Ginyu for the interview
-Submachine for captions for a comic
-J617 for help with Weekly Tournaments section
-all readers for reading ;)

nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

Offline CalambarTopic starter

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  • Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.Calambar is a Gargoyle, dangerous and everlasting.
  • https://www.elfdict.com/w/calambar
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeArt Competition - TaskmasterSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's GripSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #5 Winner - Abyss BrawlersSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSilver DonorBrawl #3 Winner - Divine LightSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199349#msg1199349
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2015, 09:58:40 am »
Spoiler for August NL 2015 small:

August 2015



Spoiler for PvP Events:

  • Trenzalore is down to the final 7 players!  With majofa and trashduke still on their full 5HP, the lead going into the final rounds will rest in the balance of their match this round.

  • Elemental Conquest, the final PVP Event of the 2015 season, is underway.  After round 3, the field will be cut to 14 players.

  • The biggest event of all, War, will be coming in the near future.  Stay tuned!

  • 12 Lives is about to end, with just rob77dp and Regyptic left alive.  Can the master of death leverage his lead into a title?

Spoiler for Competitions:

  • Eljoemo narrowly squeaked out a win over the field in the Deckbuilding/Writing contest Seven Deadly Haikus.

  • Physsion's flag of air won the art contest of Master Flags.  I guess you could say his flag truly flew above the rest.

Spoiler for Weekly Tournaments:

  • My Balls are bigger!" could be the shout of the winner of that upgraded tournament.  It was won by iancudorinmarian, on the 4th of July (America's sky certainly sparkled that night). He built three successful killer decks and smashed all of his opponents with both his giant Balls and his creatureless stall decks.
    He said that he liked the rules; but since he is a TO, he (of course) couldn't say anything else. ;)
    Congratulations.  I hope you keep your dangerous Balls at bay. ;)

  • July 18th's Life Control - Unupgraded was one of the very few tournaments where I had the opportunity to participate.  It was won by our Grandmaster, deuce22, who viciously beat me in the final match. ;) He admitted he had good RNG when it was needed. While I couldn't complain about my RNG, he was luckier. Regrettably, he did not prefer the rules; his brief summary of that tourney you can read here. Congratulations on yet another WT win!

  • Our master of  :time, SpikeSpiegel, won Stone Age - Unupgraded on July 25th. It seems that Masters are being a bit fussy these days as he griped that it was not the best set of rules he's seen so far because they were too restrictive. He used only two decks throughout the entire tournament and admitted that the most exciting moment was the final match with DANIEELA, who used mono fire decks. In this instance  :water beat  :fire; when it comes to nature's elements, no one should be surprised by this outcome. ;) Congrats to the winner!

Spoiler for Leagues:

  • Championship League: The 2/2015 season has come to a close.  Unofficial standings show Ginyu taking the title with RootRanger and theelkspeaks close behind, but the race is close enough that will provide an update once it goes official.
  • Battle League: Dynamic newcomers taker and Corri held out for the top 2 spots in the Battle League, and with RootRanger's second in Championship League, Jonathancrazyj's solid performance will also net a top-3 spot.  Congrats to all our winners!
  • The 3/2015 season of Leagues should start in the latter half of August.  Keep your eyes peeled!

Spoiler for Forum Games:

  • Kuroaitou's Mafia 50 is well underway, and with three sides in play, this one is still far too close to call!

  • In the Elements Demon Tournament, elementalists show their stuff and slug it out with a variety of powerful moves.  It's not too late to join!

  • Did you like the last round of Tag? Because it's back to get you into the fun! Join "it" today!

  • Fippe's Game of Games, Paradise Lost should be firing on all cylinders soon.  No one knows what they're in for - stay tuned to see just how doomed the players are.

Spoiler for Staff Changes:

Spoiler for Tea Time (interview):
Tea Time with Ginyu

Below is the portion of an interview:

How did you first discover elements?

When I was in 12th grade at school, a friend of mine who I regularly played chess with showed me a new game he found. He was very fascinated of the huge diversity and all the possible combinations, and I became interested. He doesn't play anymore, but I stuck on it.

You're usually very calm and collected. Under what circumstances do you rage usually? Or do anything really crazy?

Sometimes, I rage when RNG decides to troll me continuosly over several games. My rage always keeps verbal, I never shattered anything because of being enraged. Overall, it takes a lot to make me really angry, especially to another person. Years of having to deal with different kinds of trolls in real life and as a chat/forum moderator hardened me a lot.

With the addition of shards to War, do you think you can lead Gravity to a win? What's your strategy for doing so?

I don't think I can win War. I know it.....

Find the rest of this answer and more in Ginyu's official interview

Spoiler for Comic of the Month:

Enjoy comic - presentation of new Masters of 2015!


Spoiler for Deck Idea of the Month:

Electromare [death][darkness][AI4][Arena] by montrossen

This deck review was written by Discord

Spoiler for deck code:
61p 61p 61p 61p 61p 61p 710 710 717 717 717 717 717 717 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 7t9 7t9 7t9 7ta 7ta 7ta 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 8pt

Electromare is not a deck to use in pvp duel, it's used to grind any ague in arena and even AI4. this deck is fun, and is just as strong as you would expect. playing this deck i noticed that bad hands can really throw you off, same with cards like tower shield and plague, lightning storm and pandemonium. then again this deck throws off deck arenas as well, when this deck works, you'll have an easy victory.

Spark(6): the main part of this deck if you want it to work right, spark dies after dealing 3 damage to your opponent. they may not be very strong, but the combo with it in this deck proves spark's worth.

Bone Tower(2): helping you get out the boneyards faster, you only need two with the help of all those pendulums. they're pretty much a backup in case you need the deck to go faster, but they are there if you need them.

Graveyard(6): in order for this deck to work the way you want it to, the boneyards are used for when the sparks die. getting them out as soon as you possibly can would be advised, seeing as the moment you plat a spark, you can no longer put it back in your hand. so if you misclick, then there's no worry.

Death Pendulum(5): these are just used in case you don't exactly get a tower on the first hand, and generate double quantum.

Imrpoved Steal(3): just in case you envy something the opponent has, or if the opponent steals something of yours first, use it wisely.

Eclipse(3): used for buffing the skeletons when the time comes.

Nightmare(6): playing this deck against AI, the AI would be foolish enough to play whatever you nightmare into it's hand, specifically, sparks. make the AI play sparks when you have boneyards out, and it gives you more creatures!

Deck weaknesses: obviously Pandemonium, Plague, Rain Of Fire, and Lightning Storm are huge threats to this deck, when played they can kill off any creatures you already have in your field.with not much in the way of protection, and at the times this deck is slow, the AI could have a little more of a chance of killing you. this deck is also weak against stalls, so be careful which AI you choose.

Deck strengths: of course when you get everything you need out, this deck is going to be a blast of fun grinding arena and AI4. you can just sit there and watch as you play whatever you want out of this deck. when sparks die, or any other of your opponent's creatures, it turns into a skeleton on your side. how fun is that? winning against AI with no trouble while having fun with Death, Aether and Dark all in the same deck?

This deck may be useless against people opponents, but it sure is handy against AIs. you can easily kill off any AI while just having fun with this deck.

Spoiler for Card Idea of the Month:

This card idea of the month is brought to you by ZephyrPhantom.

Originally created in a "Quickdraw" game of Guess My Card, Fishing Rod demonstrates that exploring unusual element combinations creatively can lead to interesting strategies.

While a lackluster weapon in terms of damage, one must look at Fishing Rod for its ability to cast any Water creature straight from your deck for the low price of 3 :time ignoring any other costs - ironically, you'll benefit more from hooking a Dragon or Nymph in most cases than a Puffer Fish. Best load up your pond with Ice Dragons while you can!

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to call out a load of beatsticks, Fishing Rod can also speed up you ability to thin through your deck in classic Golden Hourglass fashion - a :water / :time stall could include Fishing Rod as an option to quickly draw out squids, whereas an upgraded Animated Weapon Fishing Rod deck might attempt to go for broke and swarm the field with a variety of Water creatures. One particular combo of note is that you could mix this into a SoR Steam Machine deck to draw out Steam Machines onto the field to lower the chances that you'll draw dead Shards of Readiness first.

While it this may seems like a powerful card, keep in mind that it requires fairly quanta-heavy comittment and playing more than one is a bit of struggle compared to Golden Hourglass. Additionally, if your aggressive fishing start gets disrupted by a well-timed mass CC spell or some proper stalling, you may be looking at a very fast deckout while your bait comes up empty; remember kids, pillars don't bite.

Overall, Fishing Rod functions as an excellent demonstration of :water can do in combination with other elements and how simple ideas can give rise to various new strategies. Just remember to bring your bait kit.

Spoiler for New Members:

Spoiler for Thank yous:
Many thanks to:
-Discord for Deck Idea of the Month, list of New Members, interview edit
-ZephyrPhantom for Card Idea of the Month
-Ginyu for the interview
-Submachine for captions for a comic
-J617 for help with Weekly Tournaments section
-all readers for reading ;)

nai calambar onnalda ter coivierya

Offline Ginyu

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  • Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.Ginyu is a proud Wyrm taking wing for the first time.
  • Feel the punch of Gravity!
  • Awards: War #13 Winner - Team DarknessSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 2/2015 WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner9th Trials - Master of GravitySlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeChampionship League 1/2015 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199353#msg1199353
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2015, 10:20:57 am »
NL and comic are great as always, well done!
*goes to kick some butts*
Do you have a great idea for a Weekly Tournament? Post it here!
:aether War #8 :aether          :gravity Trials #9 :gravity
:gravity War #9 :gravity
:water War #10 :water

Offline Zyardran

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  • Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.
  • Not too close, I'll burn you
  • Awards: No Cheese II Tourney Most Creative DeckWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.09.20.)Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeBrawl #7 Winner - Green NightSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeChampionship League 3/2016 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199354#msg1199354
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2015, 10:32:59 am »
Always a well done job, thank you once again! :)
Team :entropy War #14
The :light of my :fire guides the way...
Current profile picture

Offline Rutarete

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  • Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.
  • Creativity should be nurtured.
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeRuby Shard of DeckbuildingSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199389#msg1199389
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2015, 03:48:14 pm »
Thanks for doing this!
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
My Decks


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  • DANIEELA is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.DANIEELA is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.DANIEELA is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner11th Trials - Master of DeathSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeChampionship League 1/2015 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 4th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199395#msg1199395
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2015, 04:59:13 pm »
WAR:earth#7:time#8,#9,#10:death gen#11:fire#12
Tourneys 12X13,25I14,10I,20VI15,15VI,23VII16,10VI17,8XII18
Well,I'd like to help,but not as much as I'd like not to.

Offline G33kyGirl

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  • G33kyGirl hides under a Cloak.
  • Awards: Silver Donor
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199585#msg1199585
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2015, 01:31:28 pm »
I love this! Thanks!!  ;D

Offline Zyardran

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  • Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.Zyardran is towering like an Amethyst Dragon over their peers.
  • Not too close, I'll burn you
  • Awards: No Cheese II Tourney Most Creative DeckWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.09.20.)Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeBrawl #7 Winner - Green NightSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeChampionship League 3/2016 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday Cake
Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199587#msg1199587
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2015, 01:54:58 pm »
I love this! Thanks!!  ;D
NL is always a good read :)
Team :entropy War #14
The :light of my :fire guides the way...
Current profile picture

Offline trashduke

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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199674#msg1199674
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2015, 04:52:30 am »
Once again this was a fun read; thanks for the newsletter!
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1199819#msg1199819
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2015, 10:44:22 pm »
Great job with the NL yet again! Always fun to read  :D
”Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”
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Re: Elements Community Newsletter: August 2015 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59066.msg1200291#msg1200291
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2015, 02:45:27 pm »
Again, fantastic work on the NL + Comic, as per usual ;)


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