Trial 3: Mailman's Dilemma (Alternative Title: You've Got Mail)
For this trial, there will be one round lasting 5 days.
Each player has a happy envelope and a sad envelope. During this trial, players will trade envelopes by PMing me the name of the player they are trading with and what type of envelope they are trading (happy or sad). Once both players send in a PM with matching recipients, I will respond to both players telling them the results of the trade.
The results:
Player 1 Player 2
happy happy = both players move on
happy sad = Player 1 is eliminated, Player 2 moves on
sad sad = both players eliminated
After one successful trade (any of the three options above occurs), the players involved may not trade anymore, as their survival or elimination has already been established.
Players that end the trial with two happy envelopes will receive an advantage during the next trial. This advantage will be a special ability that can reveal information. Depending on its use, it can be helpful or useless, but either way, players without the advantage still have a significant chance to survive if they play correctly.
Notes: Imagine there are three players. Player A sends mail to Player B, Player B sends mail to Player C, and Player C sends mail to Player B. Players B and C will trade, and I will PM Player A that their trade was not successful. Player A can then choose another person to trade with.
Another scenario: Player A sends mail to Player B, Player B sends mail to Player C, and Player C sends mail to Player A. Nothing happens.
~24 hours after a player send me a PM to trade, I will PM them back if the target trading partner has not PMed me and therefore the trade did not occur (However, the trade will occur if the target trading partner does send in a PM later. Note this is a different scenario than the first one described above).
TRIAL 3: Mail is here.