Paradise Lost 3 - Game 3 - The Witch's Game
You suddenly find yourself in what seems to be the hall of a big mansion. In front of you all stands a woman. The woman somehow fills you with a feeling of dread.
"Welcome to the next game. I am a witch and you are trapped in here with me. In only a few hours, I will kill you all. However, there are things you can do to try to save yourself. I will give you a list of
Blue Truths.
A Blue Truth represents a possibility, something you think might work, but cannot be sure if it will. To help you make an informed choice, each of you will also be give a few
Red Truths. Unlike the Blue Truths,
a Red Truth represent absolute truth, something that you know is true and cannot be false. Of course, none of you will be given enough Red Truths to actually know how to escape, but maybe it will help you..."
The Witch's GameRules:There will be a list of 8 Blue Truths that each describes a way to survive the Witch's attack.
Each of you will be given a list of 3 Red Truths.
Each Red Truth will make one of the Blue Truths invalid.
The Truths are designed in such a way so that there is only 1 Blue Truth that is not made invalid by any of the Red Truths.
That is, there is 1 correct answer among the Blue Truths, and 7 wrong answers.
Each Red Truth is known by exactly 3 people.
Before the end of the deadline, you must PM me and tell me which of the Blue Truths you follow.
If you choose the correct one, you survive and move on to the next round.
If you choose the wrong one, the Witch will kill you. (Most likely at least)
Blue Truths:
1. You find a sword to kill the witch with
2. You escape through the front door
3. You hide in the basement
4. You escape through the back door
5. You find a grenade to kill the witch with
6. You escape with a helicopter on the roof
7. You hide in the storage room
8. You find a gun to kill the witch withNOTE: The game consists of only 1 round, and that round will last 4 days. If you do not send in a Blue Truth, you will lose!
FURTHER NOTE: The next (and final) game, will have room for exactly 4 players. If more than that number of players survive this game, a shorter game will be held to see who of the survivors reaches the final. If fewer survives a shorter game will instead be held to see which of the losers that manage to get the last spots in the final.