Paradise Lost 3 - Game 2 - Death Roulette
The woman started to explain the rules: "The basics are simple, as usual. You will take position in one of the pockets of the roulette board, and if your pocket is selected, you lose. Unlike normal roulette though, this is not a game of chance. Instead one of you will select which pocket the ball will land on each round. Who will do that you ask? All of you will vote each round on who to be 'Round Master'. The Round Master selects which pocket the ball will land on. You can only be chosen as Round Master at most one time in the game." The woman picked out a doll from a box, and put in on one of the spaces on the roulette board. At first you will not stand yourself in a pocket, instead you each have a little doll. As soon as your doll is crushed tohugh, you must replace it with yourself.This means you have two 'lives' during his game. To avoid letting the Round Master simply pick who wins and who dies, you have the opportunity to move up to 3 spaces each round. You will not be able to move to spaces that has already been hit though. I'll give you all a few hours to think and plan, and then we will start voting on who to become the first Round Master. Good luck."
Death Roulette - Round 1Rules:Each round will consist of two phases: Voting and Moving.
To not let this take too much time, The next round's voting will overlap with the previous round's moving.
Voting phase will consist of open voting in the topic.
- You can not vote on anyone who have already been Round Master, unless all alive players have been Round Master already.
- You can vote on yourself
- You can not vote on dead players
- Voting is not mandatory
- Ties will be be won by the player who won first in the previous game. If there is still a tie, the winner will be randomized.
Moving phase will consist of you sending the spot you want to move by PM.
You will move on the game board specified below.
- You can move up to 3 spaces away
- You can not move or even cross spaces that have been hit before
- This is also the phase where the Round Master must choose a space to be hit
- If you do not send in a PM, you will not move
- If the Round Master does not send in a space, it will be randomized (But please do not let this happen)
Whoever is on the space (after moving) that the Round Master have picked, will lose a life. When you have lost two lives, you are dead and have lost.
When you are hit, you will "respawn" on the nearest space in the direction you last went in.
The space that is hit will be destroyed, and is considered a wall.
The Game will keeep on until at most 7 players are alive, or until all spaces except 1 has been hit (i.e. after 12 rounds)
You submit your move by PMing them to me. You vote by posting publically in this topic who you vote on. Please keep a list of all current votes in the post you vote, just like in our Mafia games.
You are free to discuss any strategy or whatever in the topic, in chat or by PM (or any other means of communication).
If you have any questions, PM me or ask them here in topic.
Current Placement/Gameboard:1. flyingcat
2. worldwideweb3
3. Linkcat
4. dawn to dusk
5. Demagog
6. Lunaris
7. fabian771
8. RootRanger
9. iancudorinmarian
10. mathman101
11. UTAlan
12. killsdazombies
13. (EMPTY)
Note that the game board is circular, so space 1 is adjacent to space 13.
Also note that the initial positions are randomized.
The first round will last a bit over 48 hours, and will consist of only voting. After that the first Move phase will begin, and at the same time we will also start the Voting phase for the next round. This is done to so that this game doesn't take forever. If you have ideas or suggestions on how to make the process smoother, feel free to share.