What a game.
A couple months before the game started, when Fippe started talking about running it in chat, I approached Demaagog with a plan. We would both form separate alliances, and then feed each other information and control the entire game. We would work together until we were the only two players remaining. My alliance was with Lunaris, Kuro, math, and UTA, all people I knew I could trust. Dema's alliance was with dawn, w3, kdz, and Ryli. There were four unknown variables, Root, iancu, flyingcat, and fabian.
My team had some activity issues in Points Race, and kdz messed with our plans a little, so we each ended up losing one member with everyone else moving on.
In Death Roulette, Dema and I mostly stuck together, and we knew where almost every shot would land. I was able to control the endgame to get all four of my team in, as well as Dema and one from his team. Fabian was the only solo player to move on.
In Witch's Game, the other three members of my team found the correct answer by themselves, so I was blocked from any trickery. I gave the correct truth to Dema, and I told him to get kdz to go through too. My ideal Final Four was me, Dema, and one person from each alliance. That way we could fabricate a 2v2 situation and pit them against each other, so I wanted kdz alive. Fabian was stonewalled by everyone and died.
For Minority Rule, the only viable plan for our team was for 2 of us to choose each color, and for the 2 that lost that round to choose different colors on the next round, guaranteeing that 3 of us would move on. I rolled the dice with UTA to determine who chose what color late into the timer, and UTA and math had both sent in blue as a placeholder. I rolled UTA and I for blue, and math and Lunaris for red. Math had already gone to bed before he got our PM, and UTA left soon after. I was pretty sure that kdz would choose red, and I then "forgot" to change my color to red after math hadn't responded. Dema was forced to choose red after he heard our plan, so it ended up with Dema, kdz, and Lunaris chosing red and moving on, and me, math, and UTA choosing blue and staying behind. I did this because I knew that I would be the last one to move on. Back in PL2, I was allied with UTA and got him into the final game with little hope of taking the last spot myself. I called in this favor and told UTA that if he didn't send a color and I chose red every round, I would be guaranteed to move on. He agreed and let himself and math die. I felt pretty bad about it, but that's the way it had to be to give me the best chances of winning.
We entered Deathmatch with the perfect setup. Dema and I controlled all actions to get Lunaris to 6 and kdz to 1. Then kdz went solo and put Lunaris to 4 and me to 9 before dying. On Round 6, after fully cooperating with Dema for the entire game, I betrayed him at the last possible moment. I told Lunaris to move to 4 and Strike 8, and that I was Striking 5. I told Dema that Lunaris was moving to 4 and Striking 5, and that she thought I was Striking 8, but that I was really going to Strike Lunaris, and I told him to move to 8 and Strike Lunaris as well so we could kill her. Then I sent in Spin Attack. What ended up happening was Lunaris and Dema hitting each other, and me killing Lunaris and doing 2 more damage to Dema, putting him at 6 and me at 9 for the final battle. I agree with Dema that at that point it became 1/3 prediction and 2/3 luck, but I don't feel bad about winning with the 3 health advantage I got myself.
Thanks for hosting, Fippe. Overall, I really enjoyed how this game played out, although it might be difficult to get people to trust me anymore.
I apologize to the teammates that I deceived. I hope you understand. After all, this is Paradise Lost, a game of alliances and betrayal.