ObjectThe object of this game is to avoid being tagged, and if tagged, tag someone else as soon as possible to remain in the game. The game is designed to encourage alliances, long or short, between people.
Round 0: SignupsPlayers sign up by posting in this topic below and saying which symbol you want to use (Smileys are allowed, but the underworld and rainbow symbols are reserved for game use, sorry if you wanted either of them!). This game has no upper limit of players, but it must have at least 3 players. At least 7 players are recommended.
Signups over. Check my latest post for details.
Round 1: Who's it?Each player starts with 35 points. These points serve as your life meter. Each player is also assigned a minimum bid, going from 1 to the number of players to the game. Each person is assigned a minimum bid randomly.
To decide who is it, each player submits a bid within 4 days, submitting their minimum bid or higher (integers only, please). The bids are used to place players into an "itness" queue, with lower bidders in front. If multiple people have the same bid, the one with the lower minimum is ahead of the other.
Try to plan well, as hasty bids could knock you right out of the game before it even begins! This is also the time to start planning your alliances.
Round 2: Let's place people. The map is a 5*5 grid for up to 10 players, 6*6 for up to 15 players, or even larger for more people.
I will place people randomly in the grid and show it, along with the coordinates of every player.
Round 3: Moving around and collisions Each round lasts for 2 days. In each round, submit a PM to me saying which of 10 directions (north, south, east, west, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast, nothing, or teleport) you want to move per move that you get, and whether you want to stomp or stride (can't pick and choose which kind you want for each). At the end of each round, I will show which way you moved and the map and game state as a result. If you don't send a PM, I will assume you don't want to move, and you'll become easy pickings for others.
The compass directions move you in their respective directions. Doing nothing keep you in place. Teleporting puts you in a random position on the grid, but can only be done right after a person is tagged or you used teleportation last round. It also costs 5 points to teleport.
Striding recovers 1 points for you if you don't run into anyone. Two striders or two stompers that run into each other take 3 points. If a strider runs into a stomper, the strider loses 6 points, while the stomper gains 2 points, and the stomper's move takes precedence over the strider's move.
If you have multiple moves and can't move to your desired spot for one of them, the rest of your submitted moves are cancelled.
At any time, you may upgrade your move power for 5 points. Once you buy it, you may move an additional move for all subsequent rounds.
Collisions happen if
- You try to trade places with another person
- You try to go to the same space as another person
- You try to go on a diagonal path crossing another person's
Collisions are resolved in this order:
- The first kind
- The second kind and all collision chains resulting from them
- The third kind and all collision chains resulting from them
If there are still unresolved collisions, the second two are looped until all collisions are resolved.
If a person is counted in a collision, that same person is considered still for later collision resolutions.
If three people run into the same space at the same time, all of them are counted as having collided into each other. This applies for more people at once. Collisions of the same precedence are considered as happening simultaneously.
Round 4: You're it, now what?When you are it, your points are reduced by 4 each turn you are it. Tagging someone else is top priority when you are it!
While you are it, you can tag someone by colliding into someone while stomping. If this action is successful, the person becomes it, and you are freed of "it-ness". Now you've got to run from this newly it person!
It's expensive to get the resources to move faster, so you're going to have to work with or betray others to win.
When someone is tagged, they are put in the back of the "itness" queue.
Friendly tags are allowed, and can help you and your allies if used wisely.
Round 5: Elimination and scoringWhen a person runs out of points, they are out of the game. The game goes on until there is one person left.
To transfer it-ness after elimination, the person first in the itness queue is made it and is moved to the back of the queue.
For master of games, first place gets 3 points, second and third place gets 2 points, and 4th to 6th place gets 1 point. Good luck to everyone!