A game of cracking the code
Mastermind TournamentSign up by posting here and sending a code to me with 4 different colors in PM. Each participant will then get another player's code which will need to be solved. A preliminary will be played in Mastermind vanilla. Depending on the number of participants, a number of players can be eliminated (mostly those who took the most turns to find the code). In the first rounds after the preliminary, the games will be played in Mastermind Head-to-Head (inspired by rob77dp). The final 4 players will do a showdown in Mastermind United. The first 2 players get an

reward code. (The rules will be finalized once i know how many people want to join)
Note: In Mastermind Head-to-Head games, players can accept minor rule changes between themselves.
A) Mastermind (vanilla)The mastermind thinks of a 4-digit code made of the following colors:

, but doesn't show it to anyone. He also have to choose a difficulty: easy(the code can contain colors only once) or hard(any color can appear more than once in the code, but it is still possible to build a code with 4 different colors). The players have 10 attempts to figure out the code by posting different codes. The Mastermind has to react them with how many colors were good, but at the wrong place and how many colors were good at the right place (the order of the colors count!).
The Mastermind has to post an empty example board:
(this given example board's first and second line are not empty)

means that a color is used in the code and is put in the right place.

means that a color is used in the code, but it's put in the wrong place.
It is suggested for masterminds to always put


symbols (similar to alphabetical order).
Minor rulechanges are possible, for example: you can play with only 10 colors as digits and use

instead of


instead of

B) Mastermind Head-to-HeadThis style pits two masterminds against each other simultaneously. Each mastermind sets up a secret code (per Vanilla+hard rules above) and will take alternating turns. Each 'round' consists of two player 'turns'.
Prior to the first turn players determine play order (suggest randomizing) and one player posts a blank game-table with Player1name set to the forum name of the player taking first turn and Player2name set to the forum name of the other player.
The first turn consists of Player 1 entering a guess for Player 2's code (as in Vanilla+hard rules above). The second turn consists of Player 2 responding to Player 1's guess (per Vanilla+hard rules above) and providing a guess for Player 1's code.
Subsequent rounds are completed with alternating turns of replying-and-guessing. The game ends if at the end of a round a player has correctly identified and guessed their opponent's code. If both players guess correctly in the same round then a tiebreaker is required. Tiebreakers are applied in the following order:
1. most

2. fewest

3. earliest

4. earliest

5. fewest rounds without


(There is no limit to the number of rounds played to determine a winner)
Example game-table shown below:
C) Mastermind UnitedThis game is played between 4 Masterminds. They have to figure out each other's code in 15 attempts. Each attempt goes to all 3 other masterminds, and they have to both say how many of the colors were good at the right/wrong place. One mastermind only needs to answer the first 15 codes, regardless of which masterminds posted it. Only for experts:
Signup list:
1) ddevans 96 -
code sent in2) ARTHANASIOS -
code sent in3) theelkspeaks -
code sent in4) qwerter -
code sent in5) rob77dp -
code sent in6) RootRanger -
code sent in7) dawn to dusk -
code sent in8.) Kuroaitou -
code sent in9)
Time until signups end:
edit1: added signup countdown