[2019-06-14 12:30:43] Calindu: Did Mobian say who he'll target?
[2019-06-14 12:31:26] ddevans96: he planned to target Ginyu
[2019-06-14 12:32:21] Calindu: Ah, I see, that happened
[2019-06-14 12:32:28] Calindu: I wasn't sure if he confirmed he'll do it
[2019-06-14 12:33:48] Calindu: Are you sure no lynch is safer today than a lynch? I see lynching next day phase is just as risky, if not riskier, with the current roles
[2019-06-14 12:34:47] ddevans96: yes. 2/6 is lower than 2/5
[2019-06-14 12:34:53] ddevans96: I mean, it's debatable
[2019-06-14 12:35:11] ddevans96: 'While the opportunity for No Lynch is available in MyLo, whether it should be done is a different question. On the upside, by refusing to lynch the Town may be able to give its investigative roles another chance to work their magic. On the downside, if the Town has already massclaimed or if there are no roles that can make use of the Night remaining, opting not to lynch will simply give the scum a free kill on the Townie who is most likely to help the Town lynch correctly at LyLo.'
[2019-06-14 12:35:54] shockcannon: if ginyu is town and dies to modkill we lose
[2019-06-14 12:36:04] shockcannon: @Ginyu
[2019-06-14 12:36:11] Calindu: Well, what I'm arguing is that either you or me will get NKed
[2019-06-14 12:36:26] Calindu: And next phase will be just as random as this one
[2019-06-14 12:36:36] Calindu: Or Root, forgot about him
[2019-06-14 12:37:13] ‹ddevans96› I'm not sure how that's an argument
[2019-06-14 12:37:27] ‹ddevans96› you're saying there's three people who, if they're town, stand a good chance of figuring out the game in a 3-2
[2019-06-14 12:37:29] ‹ddevans96› yes?
[2019-06-14 12:38:08] ‹Calindu› No, what I'm saying is that it's unlikely someone else gets NKed
[2019-06-14 12:38:09] ‹ddevans96› so then it doesn't really matter if mafia gets a 'free' kill on one of us
[2019-06-14 12:38:33] ‹Calindu› So the pool of people that are likely to be mafia is not smaller
[2019-06-14 12:39:18] ‹ddevans96› yes
[2019-06-14 12:40:05] ‹shockcannon› listen
[2019-06-14 12:40:13] ‹shockcannon› shockcannon, root, claindu, ddevans
[2019-06-14 12:40:17] ‹Calindu› We need to lynch correctly twice, and we have a no lynch day
[2019-06-14 12:40:19] ‹shockcannon› out of those 4, if 2 are mafia its game over
[2019-06-14 12:40:27] ‹shockcannon› because ginyu isn't voting
[2019-06-14 12:40:31] ‹shockcannon› so if him and mathman are town its over
[2019-06-14 12:40:38] ‹Calindu› I think using the no lynch at 3v1 is better
[2019-06-14 12:40:51] ‹shockcannon› so we just have to assume at least 1 mafia is in mathman/ginyu
[2019-06-14 12:40:55] ‹shockcannon› and we lynch one of them
[2019-06-14 12:41:01] ‹ddevans96› okay, but getting to 3v1 requires us hitting a mafia now
[2019-06-14 12:41:11] ‹ddevans96› that's why it's riskier
[2019-06-14 12:41:24] ‹Calindu› Well, if we no lynch and then lynch correctly next phase it will be a 2v1 at lylo
[2019-06-14 12:41:58] ‹Calindu› I suppose we can wait with the lynch, but I think it will still be the same thing
[2019-06-14 12:42:13] ‹ddevans96› 2v1 is way easier to solve than 4v2
[2019-06-14 12:43:10] ‹Calindu› Well, it's the balance of 3v2 followed by 2v1 or 4v2 followed by 3v1 (it can become 2v1 if no lynch)
[2019-06-14 12:43:56] ‹ddevans96› so who would you want to lynch? and don't say shock bc 'bad town', IW was three times more 'bad town' and he flipped town, so come up with an actual scumread on him if that's your proposal
[2019-06-14 12:44:24] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo›
[2019-06-14 12:44:39] ‹Calindu› If Root is pushing on shock I might actually join that, but I offered the alternative of finding the Anubis already
[2019-06-14 12:44:42] ‹Calindu› So Ginyu/mathman
[2019-06-14 12:44:47] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› I think that it should be a rule of thumb not to lynch of "bad town" alone
[2019-06-14 12:45:01] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› *on the grounds of
[2019-06-14 12:45:20] ‹ddevans96› ‹@InsignificantWeeaboo› I mean, yes, but also no
[2019-06-14 12:45:27] ‹ddevans96› I'll talk more about that another time. not relevant rn
[2019-06-14 12:45:50] ‹ddevans96› ‹@Calindu› okay. do you have a preference between Ginyu and mathman, and why?
[2019-06-14 12:46:12] ‹Calindu› Go to any other site, if someone fake claims officer and someone finds it's false, they get lynched right there
[2019-06-14 12:46:23] ‹Calindu› Ginyu, he has been using the graboid cover to not vote the entire game
[2019-06-14 12:47:07] ‹ddevans96› the game we play is barely comparable to games on other sites, tbh
[2019-06-14 12:48:10] ‹ddevans96› and anyways - 1) MW was very obviously the GN, and 2) he kinda claimed at the wrong time anyways, without any interference from shock as to the exact timing
[2019-06-14 12:48:48] ‹Calindu› I didn't really believe MW was the GN until he claimed, he played really aggro
[2019-06-14 12:49:00] ‹Calindu› And I think he claimed well, there's no guarantee he lives 2 more night phases
[2019-06-14 12:49:42] ‹ddevans96› it's not so much about him as it is about kae
[2019-06-14 12:50:14] ‹ddevans96› anyways - aggro GN is a play sometimes. remember, I kept insinuating that's what shock was doing (although I breadcrumbed that I thought it was MW)
[2019-06-14 12:50:31] ‹ddevans96› and it...kinda really worked, actually
[2019-06-14 12:50:35] ‹Guest-HornedFrog-b3e8d›
[2019-06-14 12:51:01] ‹ddevans96› bc it caused Link to move to defend Espi, which set up the chain of events that led to me strongly believing he was mafia
[2019-06-14 12:51:05] ‹Submachine›
[2019-06-14 12:51:54] ‹ddevans96› sure, Link had everyone around his finger for three rounds, but it did ultimately out both
[2019-06-14 12:51:55] ‹Calindu› MW's play did work, yeah, I don't disagree, I just didn't expect it
[2019-06-14 12:52:33] ‹ddevans96› and mafia couldn't really safely kill MW immediately, it'd have just confirmed Espi
[2019-06-14 12:54:24] ‹Calindu› Well yeah, that's why I don't think MW would have lived 2 more night phases
[2019-06-14 12:54:32] ‹Calindu› At some point they had to tie out the loose ends
[2019-06-14 12:55:12] ‹ddevans96› yes, but again - not about him, but about kae
[2019-06-14 12:56:15] ‹Calindu› I'm not sure what about kae tbh
[2019-06-14 12:57:36] ‹ddevans96› oh, MW also breadcrumbed he was GN, btw
[2019-06-14 12:57:49] ‹ddevans96›
[2019-06-14 12:57:59] ‹Calindu› Kae getting NKed is the same as any other civvy getting NKed, as MW had to claim kae as confirmed civvy
[2019-06-14 12:58:21] ‹Calindu› I see
[2019-06-14 12:58:51] ‹Calindu› Sure, the play would have worked much better if kae could actually oty Espithel, he would be confirmed after that either way
[2019-06-14 12:59:00] ‹Calindu› But MW had no way of knowing that
[2019-06-14 13:00:49] ‹ddevans96› the thing is, kae was nightkilled pretty much immediately after MW claimed, bc he claimed during the night phase
[2019-06-14 13:01:07] ‹ddevans96› having a confirmed civvy during the day is more useful than having one during the night
[2019-06-14 13:01:29] ‹ddevans96› unless mafia planned to kill MW that very night, in which case he did time it properly, I would say
[2019-06-14 13:02:29] ‹Calindu› Yeah, it's about whether he'd get NKed or not
[2019-06-14 13:02:45] ‹ddevans96› but - the kill on kae was on n3. mafia knows he used n0 and n2, and would use n4
[2019-06-14 13:03:20] ‹ddevans96› so there's reason for them to not kill MW on n3, even if they think he's GN and he hadn't claimed him and kae
[2019-06-14 13:03:43] ‹ddevans96› either way - Espi would be lynched
[2019-06-14 13:04:24] ‹Calindu› Yeah, I think you are right, forgot about the fact that the claim was during the night
[2019-06-14 13:05:13] ‹Calindu› The better timing would have been N4
[2019-06-14 13:05:14] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo›
[2019-06-14 13:05:23] ‹Aves› Brawl Auction is live!
[2019-06-14 13:06:02] ‹ddevans96› yes - would force mafia to choose between MW and kae \
[2019-06-14 13:06:43] ‹ddevans96› and even day 4 would accomplish that, while also giving us two confirmed civvies to listen to (and we don't even necessarily need to kill Espi immediately, we can try to fish out anbnother)
[2019-06-14 13:06:51] ‹ddevans96› 'anbnother' good stuff
[2019-06-14 13:07:04] ‹Calindu› Yeah, so anyway, what's the play? No lynch, lynch on mathman, lynch on Ginyu, or something else?
[2019-06-14 13:08:01] ‹Calindu› There's no guarantee that MW lives N4, we get to lynch Espithel, but we'd have no confirmed civvy
[2019-06-14 13:08:10] ‹shockcannon› i say we go all in on it being ginyu and mathman
[2019-06-14 13:08:16] ‹ddevans96› we'd have kae confirmed
[2019-06-14 13:10:05] ‹Calindu› Ah, yeah, sorry, thought it was N4 followed by D4 for a second
[2019-06-14 13:14:56] ‹Submachine›
[2019-06-14 13:15:24] ‹Submachine› Do not forget to log all this please.
[2019-06-14 13:15:34] ‹ddevans96› yeah, will do
[2019-06-14 13:15:45] ‹Submachine› Cool.