[17:25:54] ‹moehrpi› >.<
[17:26:02] ‹ddevans96› posting chat log, again
[17:26:06] ‹ddevans96› too much of this lol
[17:26:20] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks› you underestimate me in everything
[17:26:34] ‹shockcannon› you're almost as funny as kaempf and ddevans
[17:26:59] ‹ddevans96› I know, I'm hilarious and charming
[17:27:02] ‹ddevans96› ty <3
[17:27:09] ‹shockcannon› btw
[17:27:13] ‹shockcannon› @Coffeeditto
[17:27:20] ‹Guest-Chrysaora-9ce35› link first reks ian now he reks sub
[17:27:20] ‹shockcannon› you're lucky af I got lynched day 2
[17:27:28] ‹shockcannon› I was planning to eat you from n0
[17:27:37] ‹shockcannon› you really gave yourself away as mafia on day 1 though
[17:28:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. Always this post.
[17:28:55] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› he wasnt even mafia
[17:29:00] ‹kaempfer13› noone ever mentions my involvement when posting chatlog

[17:29:02] ‹MasterWalks› oh wait
[17:29:04] ‹MasterWalks› yea he was
[17:29:13] ‹MasterWalks› mb, i was thinking root
[17:29:15] ‹ddevans96› you initiated the conversation about me, tbf
[17:31:02] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› You gained so much info last game because you homie hopped everyone in PM's. Cant do that this round. I honestly dont think you will be able to come up with info by day 3 that we wouldnt already know. You could prove me wrong tho so we will see.
[17:31:46] ‹shockcannon› PMs were just to get people to talk
[17:31:58] ‹shockcannon› this game, everyone's already doing that because of increased player count
[17:32:05] ‹shockcannon› there's no need for PMs
[17:32:12] ‹kaempfer13› ok, perhaps my strategy of removing the people who seem to unwittingly help mafia isnt perfect
[17:32:32] ‹ddevans96› why use PMs to get people to talk when you can alternate between every technique in the book like I tried

[17:32:38] ‹Linkcat› Yeah, you never lynch someone you think is town.
[17:32:45] ‹ddevans96› (gotta give you credit, shock, you stick to your guns)
[17:32:48] ‹Linkcat› Always lynch who you think is mafia.
[17:33:32] ‹kaempfer13› but without nafialeads to go by i go for the nextbest thing
[17:34:15] ‹ddevans96› I'd rather lynch for information before lynching for rogue behavior
[17:34:20] ‹ddevans96› merits to both, that's just me
[17:35:07] ‹kaempfer13› and unless mw truly is gn i dont really see espi kill giveaway much either
[17:35:22] ‹shockcannon› ‹@MasterWalks› i'll say this only once
[17:35:27] ‹shockcannon› don't let mafia play you this game
[17:35:36] ‹kaempfer13› so what exactly happens when we lynch espi and heÜs town?
[17:35:38] ‹ddevans96› hm, I don't agree
[17:35:47] ‹ddevans96› I think MW being GN gives us the least information long term
[17:36:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Less reading. More doing.
[17:36:13] ‹ddevans96› statistically, he probably is town. we don't have a better option, in that sense
[17:36:19] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› i learned my lesson last game
[17:36:42] ‹ddevans96› Espi was involved in, in my eyes, the first major event of the game - MW's vote on him
[17:36:54] ‹ddevans96› things like that start a chain reaction of interactions
[17:37:30] ‹kaempfer13› hm, but all of the reactions so far just directly go back to that vote
[17:37:36] ‹ddevans96› do they?
[17:37:46] ‹Coffeeditto› ‹@shockcannon› oh ok
[17:38:01] ‹Espithel› The first major event of the game was me owoing
[17:38:01] ‹kaempfer13› well linkcat doesnt like uwu
[17:38:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Linkcat in Forum Games. Can you find Waldo?
[17:38:08] ‹Espithel› If I didn't you'd be lynching mk
[17:38:10] ‹Espithel› :^)
[17:38:10] ‹ddevans96› you can learn a lot from voting patterns
[17:38:27] ‹MasterWalks› I think insig can vouch that i dont like uwu either
[17:38:41] ‹shockcannon› want my two cents
[17:38:48] ‹ddevans96› and there were some offshoots of that conversation that were pretty interesting
[17:38:52] ‹ddevans96› it all ties together in the end
[17:38:56] ‹ddevans96› just a matter of figuring it out in time
[17:40:33] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@shockcannon› whats your two cents. enlighten us
[17:41:34] ‹shockcannon› my two cents
[17:41:40] ‹shockcannon› MW and esp are both town
[17:41:47] ‹shockcannon› but it really doesn't matter if we lynch either of them or not
[17:41:59] ‹Espithel› So, daddy shock
[17:42:00] ‹Espithel› owo
[17:42:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Espithel in Forum Games. Good to the last word.
[17:42:03] ‹Espithel› who should we lynch?
[17:42:05] ‹ddevans96› they are probably both town, yes
[17:42:38] ‹shockcannon› fine
[17:42:39] ‹ddevans96› we already established that like two chat logs ago
[17:43:09] ‹shockcannon› i'll do something I really shouldn't do
[17:43:21] ‹shockcannon› before this day ends
[17:43:30] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm mafia
[17:43:35] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› everyone lynch me
[17:43:36] ‹shockcannon› i'll put an actual vote on something I think is pretty definitely mafia
[17:43:42] ‹shockcannon› *someone
[17:43:47] ‹shockcannon› feel free to join suit if you want
[17:43:50] ‹Linkcat› Oh, thanks Insig.
[17:44:01] ‹Linkcat› Can't believe you almost forgot.
[17:44:02] ‹ddevans96› hm, okay, fair play
[17:44:09] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo› No problem
[17:44:33] ‹MasterWalks› insig would be a terrible phoenix so dont lynch him
[17:44:50] ‹ddevans96› btw - timer is on pg10
[17:52:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from InsignificantWeeaboo in Forum Games. Check it out!
[17:55:44] shockcannon joined.
[17:59:24] ‹shockcannon› "I don't like Shock. That's not a scumread."
[17:59:29] ‹shockcannon› Espithel the tsundere
[17:59:31] ‹shockcannon› 0w0
[17:59:58] ‹shockcannon› vote me kiddo
[17:59:59] ‹shockcannon› you won't
[18:00:02] ‹Espithel› BAKA!
[18:00:12] ‹Espithel› Mate, if you want me to vote for you, I will
[18:00:34] ‹shockcannon› you only vote off feelings anyways
[18:00:35] ‹shockcannon› do it
[18:00:38] ‹shockcannon› you don't have the guts
[18:00:42] ‹Espithel› K
[18:00:55] ‹Espithel› I know you're trying to manipulate me into something. I'll take it.
[18:01:30] ‹shockcannon› nah this is for my own personal enjoyment
[18:01:40] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Shockcannon the Justaburd reincarnation
[18:01:45] ‹MasterWalks› Hey Linkcat. Is it still a thing to keep posting to extend a deadline?
[18:01:52] ‹Espithel› I enjoy being manipulated and abused
[18:02:00] ‹Linkcat› I never got to play with justa.
[18:02:02] ‹Espithel› For the enjoyment of others
[18:02:03] ‹Linkcat› Yes.
[18:02:16] ‹MasterWalks› So can phoenix do that after they die?
[18:02:30] ‹Linkcat› Only votes extend.
[18:02:44] ‹MasterWalks› ohhhh that makes more sense
[18:02:47] ‹MasterWalks› thnks
[18:04:01] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I did, but I was new and didn't know any better
[18:04:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from Espithel in Forum Games. Oh, what a read!
[18:04:05] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Hey you know what would be fun
[18:05:22] ‹shockcannon› if i shared coffeeditto's primary role?
[18:05:54] ‹ddevans96› it's either false god or elemental
[18:05:57] ‹ddevans96› easy
[18:06:02] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from dawn to dusk in Forum Games. It feels like I'm stuck in a loop...
[18:08:04] ‹Linkcat› Which one though?
[18:08:09] ‹Linkcat› I would like to know.
[18:08:14] ‹Espithel› You forgot the third possibility.
[18:08:16] ‹Espithel› Sub's bastard.
[18:08:46] ‹ddevans96› I mean, true, that is a possibility
[18:08:50] ‹shockcannon› oh shizzle
[18:08:58] ‹shockcannon› i missed maybe the most important post so far
[18:09:00] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I'm down for a bastard mafia
[18:09:00] ‹moehrpi› ‹@shockcannon› Save it for day 3.
[18:09:06] ‹shockcannon› I can't believe I never read that
[18:09:20] ‹shockcannon› looks like 4 relevant posts now
[18:09:36] ‹ddevans96› which one?
[18:09:45] ‹shockcannon› going to have to reevaulate some stuff now
[18:09:53] ‹shockcannon› not telling
[18:10:05] ‹ddevans96› you told us the first three, what makes this one so special?
[18:10:18] ‹MasterWalks› It has to be d2d's post rolerevealing as phoenix or vulture
[18:10:37] ‹MasterWalks› ‹@ddevans96› what were the first 3?
[18:11:14] ‹ddevans96› iancu's vote on dawn, your statement that you used an ability, and his post claiming Flayer
[18:11:26] ‹ddevans96› (which he has since basically said is a fakeclaim)
[18:12:01] ‹MasterWalks› shock needs to reevaluate this whole thing if he thinks any of those hold some secret meaning
[18:12:01] ‹shockcannon› i never said it was a fakeclaim
[18:12:03] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@MasterWalks› na dude I'm a bird lol
[18:12:12] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Chirp chirrup
[18:12:32] ‹MasterWalks› right. So is a Phoenix and a Vulture
[18:12:54] ‹dawn_to_dusk› Also yo ian voted for me I gotta catch up
[18:13:06] ‹dawn_to_dusk› ‹@MasterWalks› Na a Phoenix is a Phoenix and a Vulture is a Vulture
[18:13:10] ‹shockcannon› chirp is def fate egg you noob
[18:13:13] ‹dawn_to_dusk› I'm a bird
[18:14:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. It's okay, I guess.
[18:20:01] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 71 - by Submachine from ddevans96 in Forum Games. Be sure to give them a raise!
[18:20:40] ‹moehrpi› I expect two unmasked mafia when I come back. Goodnight!
[18:20:48] ‹moehrpi› toodeloo
[18:20:49] ‹Espithel› We'll try!