It's just strange that there was 0 recognition about the mango at all. Normally people get all up in arms and fidgety about a role being used wrong .-.
Oh well. I went through the list of abilities just to check some stuff, and it seems like the kiwi fruit didn't use its ability last night. The coconut didn't use its ability last night either. They don't exist or are lazy.
Strawberry Ice Cream Cold Blood (Passive) You bleed when exposed to sunlight. Your blood constantly drips onto the two players directly below you on the signup list. Non-strawberries will have their votes negated until they are no longer being dripped on.
Whilst we're at it, can we figure out a way of exploiting the negated votes to reveal the mafia? This seems breakable, but as we don't know who's being dripped on, it'd be a good idea to figure out.