Because F&H5 is still on hold, jesus people!
Sign-up deadline: It has begun.
RULES:Objective: Be the last one standing!
As a single-player game, every player has 12 pools of quanta, just like in the game. For each of the twelve elements, players start with 2 quanta in each pool, plus an additional one quantum of their choosing (if they don't choose, it'll be randomized) - this will total to exactly 25 quanta total among all of their 'pools'. Throughout the game, players must use their skills and wits to outsmart and attack other players to remove each other from the game.
If a player has 0 or less total quanta after an action, they die (dissipate) and are removed.
If a player has more than 50 quanta (their maximum) after an aciton, they also die (explode) and are removed.Individual quanta pools can go below 0 (negative numbers), but only by having it removed from an ability, NOT by spending quanta.
Negatives can affect the total quanta.Each player has 4 actions they can do each round. For all intents and purposes, an 'action' = 'turn', therefore, each player has 4 slots to fill in actions. Every 'skill' is considered an action, and (generally) requires a certain amount of quanta.
Therefore, 4 actions each round. Calculations of a player's death/status occur after each turn. This cannot change.Actions are broken into two sets: 'Normal and Elemental'
- There are four normal actions. Normal actions can be used at any time and do not require a particular type of quanta.
- Elemental actions are separated by element and have three types: Simple, Moderate, Complex
- Simple Elemental Actions cost 3 quanta of an element.
- Moderate Elemental Actions cost 5 quanta of an element.
- Complex Elemental Actions cost 7 quanta of an element.
- All actions are broken into two phases: Spending, and Implementation
- First, during an 'action' turn, all actions first have their quanta 'spent', based on the action used
- Spending quanta cannot cause a quanta pool to drop below 0. If it does, the ability cannot be performed and is turned into 'Wait'.
- Then, the effects of that action take place.
- Effects from an action can affect a player's quanta, action usage, and anything else; it can also drop a quanta pool below 0, and further into the negatives as necessary.
- Spent quanta can be refunded depending on what actions occur, as well as if an action was 'transformed' due to the effects of another action (i.e. - an action turns into 'Wait', via Halt, etc.)
Rounds generally last for approximately 36 hours; duration of rounds will be reduced when there are less than 4-5 players left. Rounds will never go below 24 hours. No exceptions except for holidays (potentially) or emergencies (forum server disaster, internet crashing, etc.). After each turn, all players that died by having 0 or less total quanta, or more than 50 total quanta, are removed. Once all four turns are over, a new round starts up and this repeats until one remains.
The winner receives the standard 5 Master of Games points, followed by an additional 3 for 2nd place. Third place will receive 1 point ONLY IF they do not die at the same time as another player.
Every day, the link to the spreadsheet will be posted as follows in the topic: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KSYAUCdefZZ8eUJta4tV3ZSiEXHTluTVyZU-R3Rv7ic/edit#gid=0
NORMAL ACTIONS (you must choose what quanta type to spend for these actions):3
- Block: Use 3 quanta of a single element (choose one element only to spend from); ignore any changes made by others to all of your quanta pools, and refund the quanta cost if you successfully block an effect [works against many actions]. Works on that action only, not the entire round.
- Conjure: Spend 1 quanta of an element; create 3 quanta in any pool (for yourself or other players). You may target the same element even if you target yourself.
- Destroy: Spend 1 quanta of an element; remove 3 quanta in any pool (for yourself or other players). You may target the same element even if you target yourself.
- Wait: Do nothing. Requires no quanta. This action is the default action, and counts as a Normal action when doing calculations. Actions that fail due to being incorrect or because the player lacks the necessary quanta to spend, are turned into 'Wait'. Actions that spend quanta, but are blocked or reflected or refunded, do not become 'Wait'.
: Jolt - Destroys 5 quanta from a target player's element pool; if that player was using either 'Conjure' or 'Destroy', turn it into a 'Wait' action, and refund the
: - Warp - Target two players and an element; if your target(s) did not spend or change quanta from that element, swap the quanta totals of that element for both players. Neither target may be the same. You may not target yourself.
: Mirror - Most actions used against you are reflected against the owner instead (Reflect status) for your current action. Quanta is refunded only if more than one player targets you.
: Hover - Select one element; for the remainder of the game, you automatically generate 2 quanta of that element you selected upon using 'Wait'. You may swap the element/quanta gained upon using Hover again. Hover can only be removed up on death or via 'Dispel'
: Tempest - Remove 12 quanta from 3 different players of a specific element (you may target yourself). You may choose how to spread the quanta destruction (7 on the first player, 3 on the 2nd, 2 on the last, etc.) If there are less than 3 targets to choose from, remove the quanta between two (or one) remaining target(s).
: Supersonic - Name an element and a number, 'S'. Any player (yourself included) that does not have at least exactly 'S' quanta in the element you chose during the implementation phase, becomes stunned for the next action two actions (that action is turned into 'Wait'). This effect does not count as targeting.
: Desolation - Target player has their maximum quanta total decreased by X (or 2*X if the player has 'Wait' as their action). X is the current Day number. X cannot be greater than 7. Has no effect if the target uses Block. Cannot target self.
: Exsanguinate - Name a player and an element; until that player targets you with 'Conjure', any quanta they generate from the specified element is instead redirected towards you. Can be used repeatedly on the same target and on multiple players.
: Vanish - For your next three actions (which may include the next round's as necessary), only Normal actions can target you. Area of effect attacks (Hydra, Supersonic, Blizzard) can still penetrate. This effect can only be removed via 'Dispel'.
: Rot - Target a player and an element; instantly remove 2 quanta from that element, and 2 quanta thereafter per action they take until that player uses 'Block'. Rot can bring pools below 0. Can stack on the same element.
: Sludge - Target player's maximum quanta total is decreased by Y, where Y = the amount of quanta they spent during the current action. If the player uses 'Block', Sludge has no effect. Cannot target self.
: Ghost - Name a player and an element. Upon use, the target player gains an Elemental 'Ghost' that immediately removes one quanta of their named element. When the haunted player targets another player, that ghost will "jump" to their target, destroying 1 + X quanta of the named element from that target. X = number of jumps that has occurred. X has no limit. You may only summon one ghost at a time. Ghosts are removed if the target dies during the action they receive it, you attempt to create another 'Ghost' while there is still one active, or if a player uses 'Destroy' while being affected by a Ghost.
: Dig - Target a player and three elements; the target cannot lose/spend quanta from those elements for the following 2 actions (if a player attempts to use or spend quanta from those elements with any Normal or Elemental action, it instead turns into 'Wait'). Refunds the 3 Earth quanta if the target player does not have any of their actions turned into 'Wait'. You may target yourself. May continue onto the following round if uses on Actions 3 or 4.
: Rumble - Choose a player's elemental pool and cut that quantity in half, rounding it down (this can affect negative quanta); prevent them from spending quanta from that element for the rest of the round. Can target self.
: Cement - Name any player's elemental pool; that element's quanta cannot be used or changed (cannot gain or lose quanta) until that player uses 'Block' three times in a row for their following actions, or until Dispelled. If a player has five of their elements affected by "Cement", they automatically die. This ability can bypass Block and Peace.
: Fusion - Generate X quanta for 3 elements of your choice. X is the number of players (BESIDES you) that used an Elemental action this turn. If X is 0, generate 6
instead. If this generates more quanta than your maximum quanta total, Fusion will fail instead (no quanta generated).
: Anomaly - Target a player and an element. If the number is even, divide it in half. If it's a non-prime odd number, set it to 1. If it's a prime number, multiply it by three. Can affect negative numbers.
: Trance - Name a player and guess all four of their actions. If at least two of their action names match your guess in the order you provided (i.e. - You guess Conjure, Conjure, Block, Bomb; they use Block, Conjure, Block, Conjure, two matches), you may control their moves for the following round. Otherwise, this has no effect. Trance cannot be dispelled or blocked by any effect, except for Mirror. You may not use Trance on a player already affected by Trance.
: Ignite - Instantly generate 5 + 3*X quanta for a player (or yourself) for an element of your choosing. X is the number of players that targeted you during this action. If this effect puts you or the target over your maximum quanta total, Ignite will instead not generate any quanta (it just *poofs*/fails).
: Bomb - Name an element; you gain a "bomb" of that element [buff]. Upon targeting a player with 'Destroy', you throw all of your bombs of their respective elements at that player, removing 5 quanta of their respective elements. While you carry bombs, any player that attempts to deliver the killing blow on you will instead trigger all bombs (losing 5 quanta per bomb), and negate the killing blow until you create more bombs (i.e. - it prevents death for the first potential killing blow action).
: Hydra - Name an element and specify a number between 1-10; you conjure a Hydra that will target any other player besides yourself each action thereafter, removing 5 quanta from that player's elemental pool you selected. If you die, or if any of your specific elemental quanta matches the exact number you specified (not the total), your Hydra(s) disappears. Your number is private only to you for that Hydra specified. You may summon multiple Hydras throughout the game. Hydras cannot be targeted, and they cannot target you.
: Scale - Name two players and one element; whenever one player gains or spends/loses quanta of the target element, the other player receives the opposite effect (one player spends/loses 3 gravity quanta, the other player gains 3 gravity quanta). Scale is only removed when both players use the same exact action (with the same targeting/spent quanta specfied) (i.e. - not just 'Conjure', but 'Conjure spend [quanta 1] to create [quanta 2]'). Has no effect if Scale targets the exact player twice.
: Meteor - Target a player and name an element; on the following round of that action, the Meteor will attempt to strike the player and cause them to lose 10 quanta of that element chosen (i.e. - you use this on Action 3, the next round's Action 3 the Meteor will hit). The target's name will not be revealed until the Meteor hits.
: Funnel - Target two players, a 'victim' and a 'host'; remove up to 21 (ONE) quanta from all of the 'victim's' elemental pools, and give it to the host. Pools affected by this ability cannot go in the negative. May target self. Cannot target the same player twice for this.
: Harvest: Target a player (you cannot target yourself); whenever they use an elemental ability, generate 1-3 quanta of that element for yourself. The amount of quanta generated is based on the action complexity (1 = Simple, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Complex). Your Harvest can be placed on multiple players, and can stack (indefinitely). Your Harvest buffs are removed if your target dies, if you are targeted by Dispel, or if you attempt to use Conjure.
: Ferocity - Your next 'Conjure' or 'Destroy' will have triple the effect. (i.e. - Conjure/Destroy will create/remove 9 quanta instead of 3 from a target). Your 'Block' action will also only cost 1 quanta while Ferocity is up. Ferocity is a buff that is removed upon using either Conjure or Destroy, or upon being targeted by Dispel. Ferocity cannot stack, but lasts indefinitely until removal.
: Evolve - Increases your maximum quanta total by 5, and allows you shift your quanta to whatever elemental pools as needed. Refund your quanta if you are not targeted while using this ability. You generate 5
for every player that does target you while you use this ability.
: Inspiration - Increase your maximum quanta total by X, where X is the current round #. X cannot be greater than 7. If you are not targeted while doing this action, refund the
: Peace - If the target player targets anyone else (besides themselves) for this action turn, prevent the effects of that action and refund the quanta cost of Peace. If they attempted to use 'Destroy', reflect it back onto them. If they use "Wait", they generate 5
. Cannot be used on self.
: Dispel - Dispels all buffs from a target player, and turns their current action into 'Wait' if possible. You generate 2
for every good or bad effect removed from the target. Using this on a target without any buffs or effects instead increases your maximum quanta total by 5.
: Relapse - Target a player; if you are not targeted during this action by any player, give them 'Relapse'. If they ever repeat any action besides 'Wait' in a round (name only, targeting not needed), negate those actions and turn them into 'Wait'. If they use 'Wait', you generate 3
. Relapse can be removed by using four different named actions in succession (example - if only using Normal actions, they can Block, Destroy, Conjure, and then Wait to remove it). Relapse cannot stack, but can be placed on multiple players. You cannot target yourself with Relapse.
: Memorize - Name any player (or yourself). Memorize their current quanta totals/maximums based on the current action. In four actions (or the following round), if the player is still alive, reset their quanta totals/maximums to the ones you memorized. You may only memorize one player at a time. Counts as a buff and can be removed via 'Dispel'.
: Advance - Brings upon the 'Advance' aura, which decreases everyone's maximum quanta total by 5 at the very end of every round (once all actions are spent, processed, and implemented), including your own. Once a player is killed via depletion (going below 0, not above the maximum) however, the Advance aura is cancelled, and everyone's base maximum quanta totals are brought back to the original '50' amount. This effect does not count as targeting, and cannot stack. It also cannot be dispelled or otherwise removed, even upon your death unless you or another player go under 0 total quanta.
: Sprinkle - Specify an element and either the word 'gain' or 'lose'. For that action, all players (yourself included) either gain or lose 2 quanta of the element/word you chose. This effect does not count as targeting.
: Drench - You and a target player gains 5 quanta in an elemental pool of your choice. If they used Conjure the same turn as you used this, you lose 5 quanta of the element chosen instead. If they used Block, you do not generate quanta.
: Blizzard - All players (except you) lose X quanta from their element that has the highest total; if there is a tie between elements, Blizzard removes from multiple elements of the player then. X is the number of elemental abilities used the previous action (or previous round's fourth action, if this is used at the beginning of a round). This effect does not count as targeting.
ACTION PRECEDENCE (for people who want to know what actions are simultaneous, and which have higher effort):
From First to Last (if actions were to be used on the same turn of a round):
(Normal Action - BLOCK)
(all other Normal Actions [Except Block])
Sign-up List:Sign-up deadline: It has begun.