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Card Ideas: Series https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17316.msg220409#msg220409
« on: December 09, 2010, 08:01:40 pm »
I think that instead of spamming smithy/crucible with card ideas for a series, why not just have a separate voting system for the series? It'd work the same way as an individual card idea, but you'd be linking and submitting the series topic rather than a single card. (the "6 cards in crucible to be an official series" rule would be best left unchanged imo)
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Re: Card Ideas: Series https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=17316.msg220543#msg220543
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 11:42:41 pm »
I think that there does need to be some way to address this.  Take the Quantum Flash (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5983.0.html) cards Kael Hate created.  By necessity there has to be 12 separate cards, it's similar to pillars or pendulums, they all have the same effect just with different quanta.  It's in the Armory now but I don't know what avenue it passed through the Crucible (probably Other).  Anyway, the animated GIF was a neat way to represent the whole series and worked with the system.

For just about any other type of card made into a series, it would be an unfair advantage to have the whole series pass through by the voting of one card.  For instance, if zanz submitted the scorpion series to the Crucible each separate scorpion would have to pass through on its own merit, due to balancing within an element and flavor, of course.

Now with your series (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13822.0.html), it gets a lot more complicated.  You have basically what is an alternative pillar in the form of a creature made to duo with with a number of elements for a total of "66" cards.  That's a lot of info to fly by in a GIF.  There is the added complication that some of the cards have extra bonuses beyond the quanta generation.  It really feels like submitting the whole series through the standard process is pounding a square peg into a round hole.

I would suggest following what Kael did and submit what you can as a group all in one card.  The Quantum Flash set is, as I understand it, actually part of a greater series of cards, Quantum Mechanics.  I would suggest submitting all the cards that don't have special attributes together as one card, with a select few to showcase in an animated GIF, and then submit the rest either individually or in smaller sets.

