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Yet another Mono-Fire ^^ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=585.msg5510#msg5510
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »
Hey there guys. Ive seen quite some nifty deck ideas here and I thought it was time to torment u with my own deck.
Simple reason - yet it´s just "another Mono-Fire" but I tried to mix up some of the benefits of all Mono-Fires I´ve seen around here.
Well here we go now:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f1 5f1 5f1 5f1 5f1 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 8po

Well let´s see what we got so far:
- This deck is amazing in Speed. With a bit of a lucky draw (which happens pretty often, since we got 30 cards) ull have at least one dragon on the table by turn 2 or 3. And this is a playtested statement for this deck in its unupgraded version ^^
- We have got a pretty versatile thingy not only in speed. We have enough Deflag/Fire Bold/Rain of Fire action in here to prevent enemies from playing match-breaking cards like Dim Shields, Sundials, Otyughs etc.
- With only 8 Pillars uve got a nice chance of drawing actually useful cards. Starting out with 1 to 3 pillars works out nicely due to the Immolation/Ash Eater Combo. Immolation shouldnt be just used to bring down ur dragons fast - its also useful for piling up enough mana for really important utility spells. Or even to finish off an own creep which would die anyways so why dont take a benefit out of it?
- And last but not least: It kills AI3 enemies surprisingly fast with an quota above 90%. (Yesterday i did some statistics: Out of 28 AI3 matches only 2 were lost due to bad luck)

What still needs to be done or doesn´t work so well:

- Need to find most effective Balance between utility spells.
- Has weaknesses (tested in AI3) against poison, time and with some bad luck also other speed-decks.
- Test this thingy in its upgraded version ^^ With 5 Brimstones it could be possible to go down on 6 Pillars/Towers. COULD I said :P

Well that´s my part of the deal with mono-fires. This one isn´t really expensive (Although dragons need to be grinded in the beginning) and has some real qualities in AI3 farming but also in PvP. Needs to be tested thoroughly in PvP though - only did 4 matches yesterday. 3 won, 1 lost.

Okay leave me some of your opinions about it ;) And if u find some grammatical errors, please take them and keep them - as a "German Native" I´m not obliged to have perfect grammar :P
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 04:26:46 pm by willng3 »


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