trial submissionPhobosHover over cards for details, click for permalink
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Phobos, son of Aphrodite and Ares, is the personification of fear. Wherever there is a battle, Phobos will wear his armor to assist his father, the god of war, to sow fear in the hearts of enemies.Not an easy task to create a FG deck using

as main element, since several FGs already use it (Paradox, Osiris, Destiny, etc...)
Ghost of the Past is one of the

creatures still not used by FGs, so I tried to celebrate one the most famous decks, The Ghostmare, making it a False God deck.
Mark of

: grants enough quanta to run SoVs and Nithmares.
Time Towers: grant quanta to play easily the ghosts.
Ghost of the past: it represtents the fear that comes from the past; in combo with nightmare is a deadly lock for the opponent hand.
Rewind: the display of divine power, strong CC card.
Nightmare: the pure fear. Used on a Ghost of the Past the opponent hand is filled with terror.
Shard of Void: there is something that can scare most of the void?
Deck use is very simple and the AI shouldn't have issue while playing this deck, since the main combo is to play nightmare on the only creature of the deck. Rewinds grant a nice CC while Shards of Void slowly reduce opponent's HP's.