« on: April 07, 2017, 02:16:26 pm »
Hello elementals and welcome to the scientific corner of this fantasy themed game. All games derive somewhere from reality, and of course elements the game is no different. Be it rpg games with fantasy characters or monsters, shooting games and sci-fi adventures. Every game and its aspects are based on something. Even more so card games that have many different characters on their cards.
This thread will embark on the reasoning as to what entropy cards are in reality and why they were respectively chosen to belong to the entropy element.Note that I don't actually know the reason they were created or sorted into entropy, so it's only speculation.First of all lets start with entropy itself.
EntropyWhat is entropy? Why is it used as an element ripper? It's not element.Alright, alright calm down. Entropy itself is not element, many of the "elements" in the game are not actual elements, we have to start from there. Many elements in etg are natural states or in this case, phenomena. But this is a game, so don't expect everything to abide by reality.
Entropy is often intrepreted and/or related as chaos or disorder, so why is that? The definition of entropy in simple terms is the measurement of a system's tendency to go from an ordered state to a disordered one. Let's try to make that simpler. Entropy measures the routes that an object can take in a space. For example, if you have a small rock and put it a very small box, then shake the box, when you stop you pretty much know where the rock is, we say that the entropy of that small rock is low. Now take that tiny rock and throw it in a lake, we dont know where the small rock is now, so we can say that the entropy of that small rock now is higher than before. So how does that tie to elements the game ripper?Weeeellll, scientifically speaking it doesn't really. Most cards in entropy have no relation watsoever with thermodynamics and entropy. But of course for most of the cards there is a reason that they belong to entropy.
Yeah, science can be confusing at times. But this is a game, so let's treat it like one.
Alright then. since we have given entropy a small definition let's start with the cards.

The pillar of entropy is amethyst.
Why was it chosen? Well, first of all its purple. .. .. No? not enough? Okay, okay. There is another reason as well. The word amethyst derives from greek. The word itself means "not-drunk". In ancient greece it was believed that interaction with this particular stone prevented/protected the holder from getting drunk. This is the real tie with entropy as the actions of a drunk man or woman are.. unpredictable.

Next up is maxwell's demon. Maxwell's demon is a paradox both in reality and in the game.
The demon is a thought experiment and not an actual creature or even a fantasy creature. This thought experiment is directly related to entropy both in the science part and the chaos part. It was suggested through this thought experiment, how the 2nd law of thermodynamics might be violated(im going to borrow the words of wikipidea here-dont hate me) if a demon controls a small door between two chambers of gas. As individual gas molecules approach the door, the demon quickly opens and shuts the door so that fast molecules pass into the other chamber, while slow molecules remain in the first chamber. Because faster molecules are hotter, the demon's behavior causes one chamber to warm up as the other cools, thus decreasing entropy and violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of a system cannot decrease. So as mentioned above this card is directly related to entropy both in definition and in chaos since it suggest that an actual scientific fact can be violated.
So as you can see, this card was created with the imaginary demon in mind and its ability as well tries to somewhat follow the scientific suggestion.

Abomination is a subject that is used to describe something repulsive and out of the ordinary. Originally the word comes from the Bible and means taboo or unclean or forbidden. In this case, there aren't many similarities with entropy, not the scientific part anyway. Probably the reason this word was made into a creature card was to relate with a card we will see later, mutation, to signify the chaos that exists in coincidence and chance. Abominations in general, are beings that have escaped common standards and exist as outcasts of their respective communities, thus tying them with the in-game entropy.

I ... I got nothing here. I explained amethyst above. So.... zanz needed an entropy dragon and made this one.the end.
Dissapation shield comes from a physics term, the dissipation factor which is measure of loss-rate of energy of a mode of oscillation in a dissipative system. Wassat? Basically, when a capacitor is working, it constantly releases energy, mostly heat and the dissipation factor measures the loss of that heat. In accordance to the in game card that loses quanta every time it is hit, it is very similar to a dissipative system which is an open system that continiously exchanges energy and matter. This phenomenon is similar to entropy which is why it was chosen to be a shield in entropy. 
This time we have lycanthrope or werewolf, a creature of mythological/folkloric origin. The lore says, it is a human that has the ability/curse to shapeshift into a wolf. There are many derivatives of the story, some say it is a curse, some that is was intentional, some suggest they only transform under moonlight and others out of their own free will. The stories started over 2000 years ago in Europe and since it has made its way from stories to folklore and in modern day to movies and games.
The connection of werewolves and entropy is non-existant. Since it's a fictional creature there is no actual science behind and cannot be affiliated with scientific phenomena in any way possible. The connection behind it is mostly in a chaotic fashion, when the human has been transformed into a wolf and the destruction/unpredictibility it produces.
Well, chaos seed/power is simply a spell card made from combining those words. It is not a phenomenon or a scientific fact or anything.Like purple dragon It has no scientific relation to entropy,, zanz just came up with this spell for entropy. Sorry mates.
A nova and a supernova are two very different astronomical events. A nova causes the appearance of a start that slowly disappears depending on how big it is. Novae are quite frequent at 30 to 60 per year in our galaxy. A supernova on the other hand is a lot more rare and a hell of a lot more destructive. A supernova is an astronomical event that occurs during the last stellar evolutionary stages of a massive star's life, the last one visible from earth was 400 years ago.
Here of course it is easy to see the connection with entropy both the scientific and the metaphoric(chaotic) part. At the begining we have a dying star and at the end we have a destructive force of energy exploding from it. Order and disorder, plus chaos in the middle.
Mutation is a definitive and permanent change of DNA. It results from mistakes during DNA replication. In the bigger picture, mutation can be a small change or a big change, a good change or a bad change. Mutations can be resposible for evolution or they can cause extinction. They can be caused by a gazillion different things or they can be just a coincidence, luck, chance. Mutation as a phenomenon has little to do with the scientific definition of entropy but it is highly related to disorder and coincidence, the actions of a system that cause changes to the entropy of said system. Although like in game a mutation wont necessarily give birth to abominations, we can see the relation between the ability of the spell and the creature abomination and its strong connection to the element entropy.
Discord means disagreement. One example of mythology on discord is the apple of discord. The greek goddess Eris tossed the apple in the midsth of a feast of gods as a prize of beauty, thus leading to an argument amongst the most powerful and beautiful goddesses.It was said that this particular argument eventually led to the trojan war and in return chaos. Like chaos seed/power Discord it isn't a scientific fact or phenomenon thus having no relation to entropy. Maybe it was created as a pun. Like disagreements lead to frustration, discord as well can be annoying and frustrating with its ability. 
Elves are supernatural fictional creatures originating from folklore. In the lore, elves generally seduce people and cause them harm, however as years passed, especially in the modern days elves have somewhat evolved and people have given them many identities, from chrismas elves to killing orcs.
Once again, since elves are fictional creatures they cannot be scientifically connected with entropy and to be honest I don't really know if would relate them to chaotic behaviour or disorder either. Same thing goes for druids. They originate from celtic culture and they were leading figures. Thus I don't have many comments about their relations with entropy.
Antimatter is a controversial subjest in the scientific world, as not everything about it is clear. Like common matter has particles, antimatter has particles as well that are the same with opposite charge of the normal particles. When particles and antiparticles collide they annihilate each other releasing energy. Quantum physics is quite different from thermodynimcs sp the connection of antimatter and entropy is only on a chaotic level when the particles collide. 
Well, nymphs are the ultra rare cards of this game and they use some alchemy cards as their abilities. In this case Purple Nymph produces antimatter. In this case there is not much of a meaning here, just an idea zanz thought.
The butterfly effect is the concept that small causes can have large effects. This concept has been affilatied with many scientific theories such as time travel and the future. How a single coincidence can change the course of the whole world. Although the butterfly effect is not directly related to thermodynamics it is deeply routed in the actions that take action inside of an entropic system. The chaos and randomness of actions that change how the world turns every fraction of a second.
As we can see, the ability of the card itself somewhat follows the scientific concept as well as it tries to suggest that a weak creaute can have the power to change its surroundings.
Pandemonium is a religious term derived from Hinduism and it means demonization. Here as well we have the chaos factor and a nice word that probably contributed to make this card. The history behind it is mythological and religious so I don't really want to go too much into it, since it has nothing to do with entropy.
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox. To explain it simply(not precisely), imagine there is a cat in a box,
we cannot hear it and it cannot escape, we also have poison there let's say stuck in the sides of the box. If the cat touches the poison it dies, if it doesn't it wont die. The thought experiment suggests that since we cannot possibly know if the cat touched the poison, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time, thus making it a paradox.
This thought experiment has deep ties with quantum physics and applies its randomness to entropy as well. It's easy to see why it was chosen as an entropy card.
Serendipity basically means pleasant surprise. Its link with science is both non-existant and deeply connected. The act of serendipity is ultimately luck. How random events can lead to great discoveries. Luck and coincidence play a big role to science as well and of course in extention to our aspect in hand the random.
Shard of Serendipity is a combination of science and luck and the ability of the card shows that too. Each entropy card has its unique meaning and many aren't exactly related to entropy. At this point it's clear that the entropy cards don't exactly abide by the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy but rather they are similar to actions that take place inside a system that define the entropy of it. Chaos, randomness, coincidence and chance. Those are the characteristics of the cards that belong to this element.Feel free to give feedback or advice how to improve this thread. If you have time you could try the same thread on other elements as well.
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 04:34:06 pm by iancudorinmarian »

Whispers in the dark, brawl #3
Team Earth, war #8
Team Entropy, war #9 , #10
Æ.N.D. 1st place TPvP #7