Greetings, readers (faithful/occasional/new/etc.) of the Featured Community Member thread!
For this upcoming month, the newsletter would like to announce that our interviewee will be
skyironswordand this is your chance to ask her a question for all the world to hear!
To do so you have no time remaining. Thanks in advance!Please do not ask your questions here! All the questions will be made public and attributed at the time of release. To maintain secrecy until then, send me a
personal message instead, titled "Question for
Please note that Newsletter writers have the right to slightly edit your question (in terms of grammar style etc., not the actual context), ignore it if they feel it is inappropriate or if they get too many questions (then they need to select the best ones).
Don't hesitate, but send me questions! (Please title your message
"Question for sky").
If you would prefer your question/s to remain anonymous, please specify this in your message. (However, it may be best to not ask questions you could be ashamed of in the first place.

Well? Why haven't you started typing yet? Don't hesitate, ask today!
I apologize for the short time span. Had I known there was only 28 days in February before hand this would have been a lot quicker.