ddevans96Tournament Organizer
War General
Water Aficionado 1) I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that your forum name is somehow connected to your actual name and birth year. If not, what's goin' on with that thing?
Yep. My first initial is D, middle initial is also D, last name is Evans, and birth year is 1996. I wanted a simple name for my second email and this is what I came up with. I’ve used it with very little variation since.2) When did you discover Elements the Game? And in turn, when did you find the forum? What do each of these discoveries mean to you?
I found Elements when it was posted (illegally, I later confirmed) on the gaming site MoFunZone, in May 2009. I stopped playing it shortly after, returned the next February, and began lurking forums in April. The forum discovery is very significant, because this community has wound up becoming a huge part of my life, assisting in my recovery from depression - which is still present, just never in the form it was four years ago.3) What has been your favorite moment been in-game and or on the forum?
So many great memories. I think the one that stands out to me the most is winnng my first ever War match, against nelde59 of Team Light in War 6. I joined this forum to compete in War, because it was so interesting to me, but I wound up getting involved in a much different way - through event management. When I finally had a chance to compete in War, it was a huge moment for me.4) In your opinion, where do you think the forum/game is headed? Not to say those words are interchangeable, but they're linked.
At this time, the lack of updates in Elements has stagnated the game, causing people to get bored more easily. This means the community is on a slight decline, in my opinion, and has been for some time now. It's not a crippling decline, nor an irreversible one, but it is something we need to be aware of.5) Enough Elements for now, let's mix it up a bit. The holiday season is among us; are you fan? What is your favorite holiday and why?
I love holidays, for a variety of reasons. My favorite is probably Christmas, because it seems to make most people happier and friendlier. Also, I get cool stuff and/or money, which are both nice.6) Regardless of your answer to previous question, do you have any games/toys/movies/etc on a wish list of some sort?
LoZ: Skyward Sword and Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii), along with Portal 2 and FATE IV (PC), are the four games I'd be most pleased with. There's also a chance I might get a 3DS, in which case Pokemon X or Y is on that list as well. (EDIT: Since initially writing this, I did indeed get a 3DS from my parents, and Pokemon X and Y are both in the mail, thanks to a very generous and beautiful female.)7) If you could be any super hero, other than Turbo-Man, who would you be? And if you could pick anyone to be your sidekick, who would that be and why?
Either Iceman or Frozone, for reasons that should be obvious, with either the Hulk or the Thing as a sidekick, because that kind of strength would keep my argumentative personality in check. Also, ice and brute strength pair well together.8) What kind of music do you listen to? Would you ever want to take part in a band of sorts if you don't already?
I listen to many different things to some degree, but I've primarily listened to electronic music for the past year. Myself, a niece, and a couple friends attempted to start a band in middle school, but it fell through. I've also considered taking up electronic production, but I'm more focused on improving my percussion talent at this time.9) Other than EtG, what games tickle your fancy? Will you be going after the PS4 or Xbone?
I enjoy a large variety of games. My two favorite single player games are Mobile Weapon (Flash) and Mother 3 (GBA), but I could name so many more. My favorite multiplayer games, apart from Elements, are Minecraft (PC) and SSB: Brawl (Wii). I probably won’t get any current generation console for quite some time.10) What TV shows have you been catching up with and or what was the last movie you saw? What did you think?
I don't watch many shows or movies, but the last movie I saw was Free Birds. Fairly typical animated kids movie loaded with jokes meant for older people, but it was insanely hysterical. (EDIT: Since initially writing this, I have also seen Catching Fire - great movie, as expected.)11) What do you consider your best quality that most others seem to lack?
My only quality that I actually pride myself on is intelligence, but most people have that, regardless of how much they choose to use it. There's not many legitimately unintelligent people in my experience.12) It's easy to be whoever you want to be online. Would you say that your real world traits carry over your exchanges over the Internet?
For the most part. The internet is great, in that it allows you time between responses, so you can formulate something more mature and collected. The internet has done wonders for my maturity, in my opinion. But my personality doesn't really change over a screen as opposed to in real life.13) If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Why that?
It'd be something combining the things I most deeply care for in life, on my upper arm. My idea for this changes often, so I probably won't get it until I'm out of college and settled into a more stable life.14) If you had to pick only one book to read for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Why?
This is a very difficult question, and I’ve thought about it for quite some time, but I don’t really have an answer. One of the books I considered is a excellent collection of short stories, poems, and other material known as Tapestry – but I’ve read through it so many times that it’s lost much of its value. 15) Lastly, do you have anything else to say to the community?
If this community is to survive in our current situation, with updates coming as rarely as they are, everyone needs to stay strong together. It’s cliché, but united we stand, divided we fall. There’s no logical reason for some of the things that have happened recently, even some of which I am heavily responsible for. We need to maintain the bonds we have formed with each other and keep this place alive.Below are questions asked by players in the community:
Spoiler for Hidden:
Q: Did your Warmaster experiences come to good use when you led your team this War?
Honestly, they would have, but this entire war was a trainwreck, both in the general organization and in my personal life. Needless to say, I'll never again be generalling, or something as important, unless my life is in order - but that likely won't take long, so expect to see me put forth a better effort as soon as possible.Q: Favorite pokemon and why?

I never have been able to just pick one favorite, but ome I've grown very attached to lately is Aurorus, which I can definitely say is my favorite Pokemon picked in Generation 6. It just pulls off powerful and adorable at the same time, and I love it.Q: Kind of an obvious one: Tell the story of your favorite dramatic/awesome moment from Trials and/or War.
My match with Raving, in the Water Finals of Trials 7, was my favorite moment throughout Trials or War. It was a really close match, and it came right down to the wire, just as Water deserves. From that match, I couldn't pick a specific moment, but it would definitely be from there.Q: Over the years this forum (and its precursors) have been around, numerous members have left or disappeared. Which one would you most want to bring back?
There are so many names that I really miss, but if I had to pick only one, it would actually be our former admin, ScaredGirl. She was sort of a mentor to me during my time as Warmaster, and I honestly enjoyed talking to her outside of that as well.Q: How do you feel about the community right now?
This has been covered in previous answers, but I'll reiterate that I feel the community is in decline, and we need to stay aware of our condition and not let the community go down in flames.Q: What would be your dream council if you could bring back retired members to actively participate with you? Any particular reasons for choosing each member?
There are too many to name, honestly. I could list a good fifty members, at least, that could help form an effective council at any decent activity, due their leadership skills, experience, and/or intelligence.Q: What other CCGs, if any, do you enjoy playing, and why? (if no others, why that, as well)
Elements is the only CCG I actively play, simply because even though it has it's flaws, it's a very intriguing game with tons of potential, and I don't leave myself much time for gaming, so it's casual nature is appealing to me. Occasionally I'll play Kongai or Spectromancer as well. One CCG I really miss playing, actually, is Aetheron - I've been thinking about it for the past six months or so and I've just never gotten around to playing it again.Q:What keeps your interest at ETG forums these days?
I'm 90% sure I know who sent this to me, but that's beside the point. My interest is held in the people here, as there are countless members I enjoy talking to for a variety of reasons. The game itself has often taken a backseat - recently I've rejoined leagues, and I'll be doing large amounts of grinding for upgrades between Championship League and Trials, so those will tie into my forum activity as well.