Table of Contents
Get Help (Back to the Table of Contents)These commands will trigger
AveragePotato to share some text and a link. You can use the command in public chat to share it with everyone, or you can send it privately to anyone, including yourself.
You could use these to remind yourself of a link, or more usefully to help other people.
To get to this helpful thread:
To help guests get a username:
To share the issue tracker:
You can add something after any of these commands to act as a ping.
Type a user's name easily! (Back to the Table of Contents)Type the first letter of their name (or more than the first letter) and press TAB on your keyboard.
If there are multiple possibilities, you can keep pressing TAB to cycle through the results, or Shift+TAB to cycle backwards through the results.
This works for Guest names as expected, but it also works for Guest creature names. So Guest-Wyrm-2d5e1 can be addressed as Wyrm, and autocomplete will work for Wyrm. They will still be highlighted/pinged.
Autocomplete is case insensitive, so you can complete a capitalized name even if you type a lowercase letter, and vice versa.
Spoiler for Hidden:
For example, if the list of users is:
apple, banana, orange, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon
if you type
hello p
then press TAB, the message will become
hello papaya
if you press TAB again, the message will become
hello pineapple
and again...
hello pomegranate
but then if you press shift+tab, the message will now become
hello pineapple
Receive Highlights and Notifications (Back to the Table of Contents)If your exact username is mentioned in chat, the line with that message will be highlighted. If you have Web Notifications enabled in your browser, then you will also receive a notification if the chat window is not currently active and you are not currently set as Away. You can activate or test Web Notifications by clicking Mr. Jingles

at the top of Chat.
You can add words to highlight/notify you in your
Account Settings. Words are added as a comma separated list, with or without spaces. The words are case sensitive, i.e. capital and lowercase letters matter. Partials do not match, e.g. adding
rob to your list would NOT cause a highlight/notification on
probably, but it will work just fine when someone says
This works for Guest names as expected, but it also works for Guest creature names. So Guest-Wyrm-2d5e1 can be addressed as Wyrm and still be highlighted/notified.
Highlights/notifications are case-sensitive. You can only highlight/notify someone if you type their exact username or highlight word with the appropriate capital and lowercase letters. Additionally, you cannot highlight/notify someone if the username or highlight word is part of another word. So the username
dm would not be highlighted/notified with the word
NOTICE: You must refresh Chat in order for any changes to your highlights to work.
Receive a Ping When a User Joins, Speaks, or Acts (Back to the Table of Contents)Whenever a user joins, you can get a ping. Simply use either of the following commands and add a username after it to add that user to a list. If you enter either of the following commands without a username added, then it will clear the list. When anyone on that list next joins, you will be pinged by
PrivatePotato and their username will be removed from the list.
Whenever a user next says or does something, you can get a ping. Simply use either of the following commands and add a username after it to add that user to a list. If you enter either of the following commands without a username added, then it will clear the list. When anyone on that list next says or does something, you will be pinged by
PrivatePotato and their username will be removed from the list.
If you would like to review your ping lists, use either of these commands.
The lists will also be cleared whenever you start a new session. However, they will not clear when you change rooms.
Perform an action (Back to the Table of Contents)/me <action>
/me performs an action
Show an Elements Card (Back to the Table of Contents)[card]<card name>[/card]
[card]Discord[/card] [card]Discord Upgraded[/card] [card]Discord^[/card] [card]Upgrade[/card]
You can also use a command to quickly display a card.
/card <card name>
In all cases, the image of the card can be clicked to go to the related wiki article. This helps share information about a given card.
Show an Elements Deck (Back to the Table of Contents)[deck]<deck code>[/deck]
[deck]4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 52q 52q 55q 55q 590 590 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5f6 5f6 5i7 5og 5og 61q 61q 8pm[/deck]
If you post a deck code with a minimum of 30 cards, you do not have to use the tag. It will automatically be converted to the image for you.
Show a Blab Painting (Back to the Table of Contents)/pX
Where X is the painting number
Roll a die or some dice (Back to the Table of Contents)Roll X number of 10-sided dice, where X is the lowest number yet to have all 10s rolled:
Roll X number of dice each with Y number of sides:
/roll XdY
Roll 2 dice with 6 sides:
/roll 2d6
You can also use an alias:
/r 5d10
If you don't want to log a roll in the game, you can use this alias:/rr 2d12
You can be extra lazy and use these shortcuts:
The following will only display results on your screen, it will not be sent to chat.
Display the highest number of 10 sided dice to have successfully rolled all 10s:
Display the highest number of Y-sided dice to have successfully rolled all Ys:
/rollinfo Y
/rollinfo dY
Display the smallest Y-sided die to have successfully rolled all Ys with X number of those dice:
/rollinfo Xd
Display whether the specific set has been rolled and completed, its max roll, it's daily max roll, your personal stats, odds of completing, and more...
/rollinfo XdY
You can also use an alias:
/ri 5d10
Display the scoreboards:
Display personal roll history:
/rollhistory Jenkar
Display history of rolls for a dice set:
/rollhistory 5d10
/rollhistory 1d
/rollhistory d10
You can also use the alias:
/rh Jenkar
Draw a card or some cards (Back to the Table of Contents)If you want to draw a standard playing card:
If you want to draw a specific number of playing cards (up to 7 cards):
/draw 5
If you want to draw an Elements card (unupgraded, no rares):
/draw e
If you want to draw a specific number of Elements cards (unupgraded, no rares, up to 8 cards):
/draw e 5
/draw 5 e
If you want to draw a custom subset of Elements cards:
Spoiler for Hidden:
/draw [Number] [Elements] [Options]
e.g. to draw 5 upgraded standard cards from either Time or Darkness including shards
/draw 5 10,11 1,1,0,1,0,0
e.g. to draw 3 of any card from all Elements
/draw 3 all 2,1,1,1,1,1
Number:1 through 8
Elements:Others | 0 |
Entropy | 1 |
Death | 2 |
Gravity | 3 |
Earth | 4 |
Life | 5 |
Fire | 6 |
Water | 7 |
Light | 8 |
Air | 9 |
Time | 10 |
Darkness | 11 |
Aether | 12 |
Options: (upgraded,standard,rare,shard,nymph,mark)
| 0 | 1 | 2 |
upgraded | only unupgraded | only upgraded | both unupgraded and upgraded |
standard | exclude | include | n/a |
rare | exclude | include | n/a |
shard | exclude | include | n/a |
nymph | exclude | include | n/a |
mark | exclude | include | n/a |
Track Money (Back to the Table of Contents)For playing card games and other chat games, you can track a personal Electrum account.
Check your balance:
/money balance
Set the balance:
/money set 1000
Add Electrum:
/money add 1000
Subtract Electrum:
/money sub 1000
Show an image (Back to the Table of Contents)[img]<link>[/img]
/img <link>
Instead of posting a link, you can make a search. This will return the first image result from Google Images with safe search enabled.
/img <search>
/img closeenough
You can specifically get a gif as well with a maximum rating of PG-13.
[gif]not bad[/gif]
/gif <search>
/gif not bad
If you don't pass in a search term for the gif, you will get a random gif.
Show a video from YouTube or Vimeo (Back to the Table of Contents)[video]<link>[/video]
Hide Specific Media (Back to the Table of Contents)Hide any card, deck, painting, image, or video by option+clicking or alt+clicking on the object.
Quit Chat (Back to the Table of Contents)/quit <message>
/quit Goodbye chat!
No message will be sent if you are currently invisible.
Typeset Math (Back to the Table of Contents)If you need to discuss math and need access to more elaborate symbology and typesetting, support has been added for
AsciiMath. Enclose in backticks (`) the text you want converted.
Consult the Magic Eight Ball (Back to the Table of Contents)/eightball Will I win the tournament?
/eb Will I win the tournament?
/8ball Will I win the tournament?
/8b Will I win the tournament?
You can also change the name of the Eightball:
/eightball setname Bob
/eb setname Bob
/8ball setname Bob
/8b setname Bob
Lookup the first or last message from a user (Back to the Table of Contents)The following will display results only on your screen, they will not be sent to chat:
/first AveragePotato
/last AveragePotato
Both show the date and time for the message in question. This makes /last useful for knowing when a user was last seen chatting in Blab.
Display an XKCD comic (Back to the Table of Contents)To display the latest comic:
To display a specific comic, specify a number for its ID (you can find the ID in the URL of the comic):
/xkcd <comic_id>
To search for a comic, specify search terms:
/xkcd <search_terms>
Show your affection (Back to the Table of Contents)Give someone a hug:
/hug antiaverage
The username must be exactly as it appears in the Online list. Use
autocomplete to make this easier.
Clear, Hide, and Show content (Back to the Table of Contents)Clear content (same as refreshing the page - resets to only showing the 50 most recent messages):
Hide all non-public, non-media messages:
Possible arguments: dice, die, d, leave/join, leavejoin, lj, cards, card, decks, deck, eightball, eb, 8b, money, paintings, painting, pictures, picture, pic, images, image, img, gifs, gif, videos, video, vids, vid, media, m, privatemessages, private, pms, pm, privatepotato, pp, averagepotato, average, ap, potato, pot, math