Our speech:
At long last, he stood victorious over the broken and battered form of his foes. His trail had been long and hard to get here, but he had finally reached his goal. Burrowed deep beneath the crust of the terra, he took stock of all that now belonged to him. The power to tear the very terrain asunder beckoned to him.
“Yes,” he thought, “this will do very well.”
The time was coming. For now, kirchj would lie in wait, licking his wounds and planning. He would need others to aid in the coming war. A War to end all wars.


It is no longer time to sit idly by and wait while the tides of War rage around us. The fires have raged for for far too long, and choas has reigned supreme for the final time. For too long has our mother earth been threatened by the minions of our enemies. While they may claim holy motives, we shall not be deterred in defending our home. Though they may be cloaked in darkness, none shall escape our wrath. Not even the never ending dance of life and death shall give pause to our hand, for ours is a war of necessity, not of greed. Our adversaries may wheel through the air or even be ripped from the fabric of another universe, but our resolve shall never flag or fail! Our Graboids will bury our enemies beneath our righteous anger. We shall rip loose the very ground beneath the feet of our foes! The time has come; the time is now! Denizens of the terra firma, join us as we give battle! This...is...War!