I'm not used to play this kind of deck neither

Replacing a Trebuchet for a tower could be a good idea, as sometimes you really need more

Regarding the CC problem:
RT isn't a too big problem in my opinion. If you got a good draw and you can catapult 4 or 5 creatures quickly you win.
Also a dragon may help for a finishing atk. Playing more armagios at once can help to use the remaining ones as stalls.
Without gravity pull. to me, it seems unlikely that an armagio/dragon gets killed.
Against heal it's difficult. You'd need 3 Trebuchet, 3 Creatures and 3 Freeze to do a 1-turn-kill. (100 Hp opponent)
And yes, rush can be difficult. If possible, wait until you can play some armagios, stall with them and try to kill him with
dragons (you can catapult when enough dmg is done) before your armagios are gone. (problem is, that you need to save a lot of

to do all this).
In the end, not every deck works against everything, but I think this deck has some flexibility to deal with a certain amount of situations/opponents.

Thanks a lot for your testing and feedback

I'll see if something comes to mind to improve it