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Entropy Creature Idea: Chaos Reaper https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54529.msg1136386#msg1136386
« on: May 15, 2014, 12:25:42 am »
Chaos Reaper: Entropy Creature
Quanta: 5 non-upped; 5 upped
Attack: 2 non-upped; 3 upped
Health: 3 non-upped; 3 upped

Ability: none
Passive Ability: Karma: the first creature to the right and left of Chaos Reaper that doesn't have the passive ability Karma reflects spell damage and status to the user, (only reflects effects after chaos reaper is in play, not any damage or status applied prior) Quintessence kills Chaos Reaper.

(also I made a picture on paint but I don't know how to post it)

I think this card would be a nice substitution for quintessence. It would force your opponent to kill it before your other creatures. Also I was thinking that the same way a shard golem gains certain passive abilities from shards played with it (such as immortality and airborn) a shard golem would gain this ability if two or more SoS were used to build it, however it wouldn't be able to gain this ability if it also were to gain immortality (instead it would just gain immortality).

Tell me what you think; does this seem like a good idea, a bad one, does it seem OP, Up or am I even posting this in the right part of the forum? Any feedback is good feedback.
A fickle mind's fiend's foe is his friend; As is the enemy of his villain. But a fickle mind's fiend is his ego; And it's foe is the feeling of being alone.

