Flabbergasted Competition Organizers Rush to Save Competition!
In the Central Atrium of the Competition Corporate Headquarters, a massive golden hourglass measures the schedule of competitions, calibrated strictly to adhere to the minutiae of important competition business. Nobody remembers a time before the establishment of this mysterious mechanical monument, but it has never failed to give up-to-date information on the change in competition seasons, until last night. A night that will live on in infamy. A dark and stormy time, when a heinous individual stole into CCHQ and stole all of the submissions!
"B-but they were all there, ready to be counted, processed, and eviscerated by the public!" stammered Aves. "Who could do such a thing? What horrible creature would want everybody to believe that nobody submitted anything?"
Who indeed? This travesty cannot be made to stand! Please, if you are reading this and have any decency, go out and help find the stolen submissions! If you have any information on these missing documents, please contact the Competition Organizers' Headquarters
here, or file evidence in the
current competition office. Time is of the essence. Act now! Brave citizen, you are commended in advance for your great efforts!
A shady looking individual walks up to you and slaps a paper in your face.
"Have you seen this missing document?" he growls. By the time you manage to get the flyer off of your face, the mysterious stranger is gone. You see a poorly crossed out section of text, with what appears to be a time listed below it.
Writing Competition Mailing List Notification
Hey Writing Competition enthusiasts!
A new competition, Yellow Journalism, has just been launched!
Good luck!
You have no time.
You have no time.
Welp. 0 submissions at the timer. 1 week extension!