Element's Equinoxes 
Why and how was the elements universe created? None may ever know the answers to such primordial questions, although many have sought answers. Some individuals gain wisdom by studying rare relics, while others glean insight by gazing at the stars. More adventuresome scholars go on "nymph hunts", hoping to learn ancient knowledge from these rare beings.
~ The Story ~Despite competing cosmological ideas, one story has held ground for ages. It is the story of the creator's oldest children -


- whom in fact are twins!


were ever so competitive and trying to prove their superiority for all to see. These cosmic fights ruined valuable furniture on more than one occasion! Tired of the constant fighting, the creator decided to teach the twins a lesson. The creator promised an entire world of


to the one that could master the other once and for all.
In order to teach the lesson, the creator designed a world in which


were each given a solstice - a day that marked the increase of one's power while signifying a decrease in power for the other. For

this day marking the increase in power is the
winter solstice. For

this day is the
summer solstice. The creator designed the waxing and waning of power so that two very special days - the
spring and
autumnal equinoxes - would allow


to feel the equal power they shared for a brief time. There would be no feeling of struggle during the equinoxes, and this state of bliss and balance is the very essence of the creator's home universe. Knowing the equal strength of the twins, the creator knew that neither could beat the other for good and that the struggle was pointless. The creator believed that Light and Darkness would duke it out for two, maybe three annual cycles before learning the lesson. They would see the folly of their competitive ways and desire to live in that constant state of bliss and balance. It was in the spirit of teaching "balance" that the world of elements was designed. To help further the point of "balance" the creator asked old and regarded friends to join the cause.


were asked to create and guard the fabric of the universe.

was asked to fill the cosmos and keep watch.

was invited to show that the universe was not fixed, and that neither


was predestined to win.


gave shape to the landscape.


ensured that the cycle of


waxed and waned.
As we all now know - - - the creator was wrong. Very WRONG indeed!


continued to battle endlessly. They found numerous ways to perpetually corrupt and divide all elements from one another. The power struggles still continue. The elements universe is now in its eleventh WAR and shows no signs of abating these epic battles.
One beacon of hope is that we, the soldiers and generals of elements, may show that true mastery is acquired by understanding the value of all elements. It is rumored that once each element has won a WAR that maybe,
just maybe all elements will recognize one another's merits. Perhaps then they will all return to the home land in a state of humble bliss.
LOOOONG Story short... the equinoxes are our rare chance to celebrate balance and acknowledge our counter elements as equals. These two days of the year are when

can reach across the aisle to

and say
hey you know what? I really appreciate what you do. You make things die so that I can grow even more.. Of course

cries and says
I never felt so understood before!~ Traditions ~(1) A common tradition is to invite an opposite elemental to dinner. Let's say you are a

elemental and you are out with your

buddy. Haha! You drink, you dine, and you pat one another on the back talking about great battles of the past. Then two desserts come out. One is an absolutely scalding, molten lava cake. You offer this to your

"buddy". And s/he offers you an absolute zero popsicle. Cheers!
(2) Another tradition is the "balanced decks" parade. Members of the community design a totally balanced deck to show off to the public. For example,


decks of immaculate balance are revealed to the public to inspire actions of "reaching across the aisle". Superb


decks inspire folks to..well..we'll leave that up to your imagination.
~ Rituals~(1) One ritual is the alternate element speak. If one can
quickly say life-death-life-death 20 times in a row, this bodes well for their upcoming battle fortunes. Try saying light-dark-light-dark 20 times in a row for good luck!
(2) Another ritual for good luck is to wear the underwear of your opponent. Nothing says "confidence" like keeping your opponent close to your most valued bits.
~ Recipes~(1) Pandemonium Pie - carefully mix a Schrodinger cat with fallen angel and one --
just one -- chaos seed. Be careful to avoid death effects. Now the next step requires blinding speed. Drop a pandemonium spell in the mixture and quickly place a dimensional crust around the mix. Bake the pie over a Fahrenheit sword with 15 quanta. Any more and it might burn. One may need a fire shield to help break through the crust quicker. Only serve this to your most trusted friends

(2) Muddy martini - using a Pulverizer, carefully grind the skin of a stone. add 5 drops of basilisk blood. add two doses of poison. add 15 Nymph's tears. because this is near undrinkable for most, you may want to add one dose of Purify. Serve up in a martini glass. Be sure to call out of work for tomorrow. This one packs a punch!
(3) Arctic Squid Pie - this is a fun one. Mix two retroviruses and three green dragons. Add a heavy dose of acceleration. Quickly create a crust of arctic squids to contain the mixture. Hurry and eat. The crust will only last for 3-4 minutes!
Happy Equinox Day !!