Team Competition: The Spy Who EMed Me
"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, Mr Bond. I expect you to join a forum competition..."
Impatient, Mr Bond?
Incoming Message From 'M':Bond. Listen up. We have received intelligence of a disturbing and dangerous terrorist threat. The location is in the small independent country 'Elementia'. Unfortunately our Ambassador to Elementia, 'Zanzarino', has been out of contact for many months. As a result, we do not know the name or location of your contact in Elementia, so you will have to find him.
Our intelligence suggests that there is a Terrorist presence in Elementia, who plan to use a Weapon of Mass Destruction concealed in bottles, though we do not know what the bottles contain at this point.
Your mission: First, find your contact. Deliver the information to them, seek out the Terrorist, and disable their weapon.
And Bond? A few things to remember:
- This is a Team Competition. Teams will have One to Three Members (yes, you may enter alone).
- Entries should be posted in this thread, and may be edited as many times as you like until the deadline.
- The members of the winning team will all receive a Forum Award Icon.
Objective 1: Card DesignBond took to the streets of Elementia. He visited the shanty towns of The Death District and the beach huts on The Water District's coast. How was he ever going to find his contact? Who was the EIA (Elements Intelligence Agency) operative with which he must meet?- You will design a Creature Card, a 'Spy' character.
- You may use any Element currently in the game (no Pseudo-Quanta).
- The card must have an activated ability. The ability cost must be of a different Element to the card's cost, but must NOT be the 'opposite' Element (see list below).
- The ability could be a sort of 'Secret Weapon' or gadget, of the sort 'Q' would provide. This is advice, not a rule.
- This card will be the main character in the story you will write.
- Include both unupgraded and upgraded forms in your submission.
Spoiler for Opposite Elements:
The Opposite of


The Opposite of


The Opposite of


The Opposite of


The Opposite of


The Opposite of


Objective 2: WritingBond was frustrated. 'M' was sure to be livid with him. He had been discovered, declared no longer fit for active service on this mission, and was on the way back to England by helicopter. Fortunately, he had found the EIA agent. That agent, the Elementia Spy, had Bond's instructions and all of his information. All that Bond could do, was go back to MI6 and wait for the EIA agent's report.- You will write a story of minimum 300 words. There is no maximum, but be aware of losing your audience by making it too long.
- Now Bond has been extradited, he is not the main character. Your spy is the main character.
- During the story, your Spy will confront a villain. The villain is planning a terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction.
- The weapon is the 'Potion' card (see below) of the opposite Element (see above) to your Spy card's Element.
- Part of the way your Spy defeats the villain should be by using his/her ability.
- To be clear: If your Spy is a
card, it MUST be facing a
Weapon, and MUST NOT have a
Spoiler for The Weapons:
The Weapon of

The Weapon of

The Weapon of

Black Hole.
The Weapon of

Basilisk Blood.
The Weapon of

The Weapon of

Rage Potion.
The Weapon of

Nymph Tears.
The Weapon of

The Weapon of

Unstable Gas.
The Weapon of

The Weapon of

Liquid Shadow.
The Weapon of

Objective 3: Deck BuildingBond sat in his Debrief at MI6 and stared blankly at the Incident Report Card that 'M' had shown him from the EIA agent in Elementia. He was dumbfounded. How could someone conduct themselves so... dutifully? Bond was an excellent spy, but he always seemed to attract unfortunate... casualties. This report... well. It spoke for itself.- You will build a Deck including at least 4 copies of the Spy card you have created and at least 4 copies of the corresponding 'Weapon/Potion' card. If your Spy is a Fire Card, your deck will include at least 4 Nymph Tears, for example.
- The deck must also have the quanta to use the ability of your Spy card.
- Including any creatures, spells or permanents that made an appearance in your story is strongly recommended.
- The deck should ideally give a feel of the plot of your story. This is a very lose requirement, and should be interpreted however you wish.
- Quantum Pillars, Quantum Towers, Supernovas and Novas are banned.
Time Until Message Self-Destructs: BOOM!