All hail RNG!
To thank RNG for her never ending support in the elements matches, we will build her some altars.
- Take a photograph of the altar you built and send it to the organisers.
- The only limitation for the altar is, that you have to build it yourself. In real life. With hands or tools n' stuff.
- The community will vote on the best altary RNG altar for 3 topics:
- 1: Altary altar. How well could that thing be described as being an altar.
- 2: RNGyness. How well does that picture fit to RNG
- 3: Awesomeness. How awesome is it? Does it make you want to build one yourself?
- The sum of the scores will decide the winner
FAQ - Where do the stamps go in a letter?
Top right. No clue what it helps for this competition though.
- Do Mark cards count as pillars?
Yes, they count as pillars and in-element cards. Still, what's the relevance?
- What are the thoughts of a photon, crossing the event horizon of a black hole of the size of around 2k suns, if its origin is earth in the year 1971, 2nd december at 2 afternoon sharp, in Zürich (swizzerland), Bahnhofstrasse, on the tinfoil hat from the guy walking bast the chocolate shop, caused by a reflection from the solar flare.
It will think about pizza. Also I'm done answering imaginary questions that have no relevance to the topic on hand.