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Elements the Game => Events and Competitions => Competitions => Topic started by: Aves on September 29, 2018, 01:11:17 am

Title: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on September 29, 2018, 01:11:17 am
It's good... but it could use a fresh coat of paint.



1. Press f12 or Ctrl+Shift+I to enter the Developer Tools interface.
2. Click on the top left icon, 'inspect element.'
3. Click on the <body> tag.
4. Look at the CSS attributes that appear when you select the body tag, and find the 'background' attribute for <body>.
5. Replace the url(../images/theme/backdrop.png) with your own image's URL.

Firefox Dev tools image (https://i.imgur.com/aJDg3Il.png)
Chrome Dev tools image (https://i.imgur.com/FJZSGKR.png)

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Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Manuel on September 29, 2018, 01:52:06 am
instructions unclear i burned my house

i am able to edit almost everything except for the background lol
example, i replaced the logo with a panda


can't find it with ctrl +f can't find it with the mouse by clicking in it, this is all i can edit

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Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on September 29, 2018, 03:53:32 am
What you found was the HTML of the page. To modify the background, you need to modify the CSS attached to the HTML, which dev tools should allow you to do. I'll update the OP later with an image.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Manuel on September 29, 2018, 04:27:19 am
made it in 30 seconds with mozilla firefox
shift + ctrl + i --> style editor ---> ctrl+f, search "backdrop", edit

probably for chrome u need an extension or something like this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/live-css-editor/oelggcmknbjmhkpgjfhakedcfnkgbdpg
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: CactusKing on September 29, 2018, 04:49:59 am
Looks much better don't you think?

Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on September 29, 2018, 05:16:34 am
made it in 30 seconds with mozilla firefox
shift + ctrl + i --> style editor ---> ctrl+f, search "backdrop", edit

probably for chrome u need an extension or something like this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/live-css-editor/oelggcmknbjmhkpgjfhakedcfnkgbdpg

I've updated the OP instructions with an image. Hopefully, that should help. I just tried it in chrome too, and it works in exactly the same way.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on September 29, 2018, 05:19:36 am
Looks much better don't you think?


This image must be your own work.

I don't believe this qualifies your own work, so it would not be accepted as a valid submission.

Edit: I really should have used the quote functionality instead of manually typing it, heh. Fixed.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Manuel on October 06, 2018, 02:45:31 am

forum with my background (warning big image)
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Submachine on October 06, 2018, 08:49:33 am
So, we're gonna forget to score the last competition? :sillyspin:
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 09, 2018, 08:45:36 pm
I feel like we may need an extension.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on October 12, 2018, 10:29:14 pm
I feel like we may need an extension.

CO and I have been busy, so we haven't been promoting the comp much. One week's extension, granted!
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: worldwideweb3 on October 12, 2018, 10:38:33 pm

forum with my background (warning big image)

Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 12, 2018, 11:16:56 pm
Great, maybe I'll have time to make something more complex than this quickly made something that I won't have to post now. :)
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: InsignificantWeeaboo on October 13, 2018, 11:56:47 pm
I'm going to retract this submission, as it's illegal.

This is turning into a meme competition really quickly


Hey it's Mr. Worldwide:
EDIT: I love how my avatar is staring at my avatar, which is staring at w3's eyes

Credit to MasterWalks for editing, and worldwideweb3 for the face shot (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/off-topic-discussions/the-official-member-pictures-thread/msg1270378/#msg1270378).
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: worldwideweb3 on October 17, 2018, 09:03:08 pm
This is turning into a meme competition really quickly


Hey it's Mr. Worldwide:
EDIT: I love how my avatar is staring at my avatar, which is staring at w3's eyes

Credit to MasterWalks for editing, and worldwideweb3 for the face shot (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/off-topic-discussions/the-official-member-pictures-thread/msg1270378/#msg1270378).

I guess this decides what element i target next...
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: andretimpa on October 19, 2018, 12:12:31 am
Non meme submission:


Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 19, 2018, 12:16:09 am
Non meme submission:



I think your submission is quite cool, but does it count as an original work? I know, it is not my duty to decide that, just a question.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: andretimpa on October 19, 2018, 01:04:29 am
I did it from scratch, using the existing marks as a basis
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on October 19, 2018, 07:22:01 am
Lol, obviously that is original work.
Also fucking sexy
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 19, 2018, 10:21:35 am
I thought original art meant the we have to do it absolutely from scratch,
not using any previously made graphical element from anywhere, including the game.
As I mentioned it is not criticism. The background looks cool.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Calambar on October 19, 2018, 03:14:58 pm
Another serious submission.



Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on October 19, 2018, 03:39:26 pm
I thought original art meant the we have to do it absolutely from scratch,
not using any previously made graphical element from anywhere, including the game.
As I mentioned it is not criticism. The background looks cool.

Not quite, though "creating from scratch" would certainly qualify as "your own work". As long as your creation is something new and significantly different from the originals, it counts as a derivative work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative_work) belonging to you. So MasterWalks Manuel recreating the :water symbol is fine. Cactusking cutting out :life from an original image isn't. Insignificantweeaboo photoshopping one image onto a second one? Fits the bill. And that's just the meme submissions!  :P 
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: MasterWalks on October 19, 2018, 05:18:42 pm
So MasterWalks recreating the :water symbol is fine.

Um, wut?
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on October 19, 2018, 05:23:18 pm
So MasterWalks recreating the :water symbol is fine.

Um, wut?

Whoops. Fixed.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 19, 2018, 08:21:26 pm
I thought original art meant the we have to do it absolutely from scratch,
not using any previously made graphical element from anywhere, including the game.
As I mentioned it is not criticism. The background looks cool.

Not quite, though "creating from scratch" would certainly qualify as "your own work". As long as your creation is something new and significantly different from the originals, it counts as a derivative work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative_work) belonging to you. So MasterWalks Manuel recreating the :water symbol is fine. Cactusking cutting out :life from an original image isn't. Insignificantweeaboo photoshopping one image onto a second one? Fits the bill. And that's just the meme submissions!  :P

OK, the rules stated "own work", I remembered "original art". What is the borderline of this? For example getting a card from the game and applying a filter to it is an OK submission?
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Aves on October 19, 2018, 08:31:36 pm
InsignificantWeeaboo pointed out that his image was not his own work, and therefore is not a valid submission. Sorry for the late catch there.

I thought original art meant the we have to do it absolutely from scratch,
not using any previously made graphical element from anywhere, including the game.
As I mentioned it is not criticism. The background looks cool.

Not quite, though "creating from scratch" would certainly qualify as "your own work". As long as your creation is something new and significantly different from the originals, it counts as a derivative work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative_work) belonging to you. So MasterWalks Manuel recreating the :water symbol is fine. Cactusking cutting out :life from an original image isn't. Insignificantweeaboo photoshopping one image onto a second one? Fits the bill. And that's just the meme submissions!  :P

OK, the rules stated "own work", I remembered "original art". What is the borderline of this? For example getting a card from the game and applying a filter to it is an OK submission?

The line does get a bit blurry at times. I don't think a filter applies any meaningful creative additions that make it distinct from the original. "Original art" is a very good way to think about it since it automatically passes the spirit of the rule and there's no grey area to think of.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: MasterWalks on October 19, 2018, 08:32:12 pm

OK, the rules stated "own work", I remembered "original art". What is the borderline of this? For example getting a card from the game and applying a filter to it is an OK submission?

Everything so far submitted is "original art" and their "own work".

When astronomers take pictures of a planet and an artist renders it with color, that's the artists "original art" and their "own work". They acquired the picture from the astronomer but they still edit it and take credit for it. If someone acquires a picture from here and renders it their own way, its still their "original art" and "own work".

Disclaimer: am not Competition Organizer.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: Wyand on October 19, 2018, 08:40:23 pm
Looking at definitions they are "derivative works". Including the artist's take on the astronomer's work.
Title: Re: Art Competition: Redecorating
Post by: MasterWalks on October 19, 2018, 09:54:45 pm


Credit worldwideweb3 for mug shot.
Credit InsignificantWeeaboo for the idea, pictures, and background application
blarg: Hyroen,MasterWalks,worldwideweb3,InsignificantWeeaboo