And I have litterally been trying ALL. DAY. JUST TO GET THE UPLOAD TO FIX IT. ¬_¬
Everything else works PERFECTLY fine, just not this ONE TIIINNNNYYYY little post edit! Of course!
Seriously internet provider. Stop it. Or I seriously will overlord your systems with old people in thongs. .-.
... *Sigh.* Calm down me, this isn't the place.
May or may not have done that joke on purpose... Maybe. ... Yeah, totally. I totally did it on purpose. I didn't accidentally get glomped by my dog at all... Sure. Definitely.
Anyway, the wording on the card is... weird.
"Returns a permanent slot into its state from the previous turn?"
..."Return a permanent slot to the state it was in on the previous turn.", surely?
Other than that, I don't see why not. It seems usable... Kinda just one of those support cards that are good but not yay... Elegant though. Can't hate it. And not shtty.
Can this thing be used to ready abilities?
Like, if you don't use mindgate on the previous turn, can you mindgate twice?