Right, I misunderstood. If the effect on the affected creature is permanent then the following observations apply:
Insanely good in light stalls: This (especially upgraded) would allow an almost impenetrable MONO light stall. This acts as repeatable, reshufflable CC. Couple with SoD, sanc and miracle, and OTKs won't work, creature rushes won't work, denial wont work if a sanc gets out first.
Yes, the opponent can use a CC card of theirs to kill the affected creature if it goes negative, but that's a 2-for-1 tradeoff increasing stall power.
IMO the unupgraded version is balanced about right, though still pretty great in mono-light. The upgraded version is a real headache.
Having said that I like this series you are creating Z, the best thing card design can really do now/atm is spark conversation, and these cards are certainly food for thought

Oh - I have a question about the mechanics of your series upgraded addition: say your opponent has used multiple RTs the turn before you use one of these upgraded cards. You draw the 2nd RTed card 1st, then play this card. the following turn you WOULD draw the 1st RTed card, but now your deck has been shuffled, this is no longer the case, correct? Hope that made sense.