I will need help with dragon art.
Name: Astral Dragon | Spectral Dragon
Element: Essence
Type: Creature
Atk|HP 8|10 -|- 9|10
Ability Nothing -|- Immaterial
and this art
Name: Mass Nirvana | Mass Nirvana
Element: Essence
Cost: 5 | 4
Type: Creature
Atk|HP | -|- |
Ability All your creatures gains Nirvana - when a creature dies, it's cost is converted to random quanta.
Notes: Twist on the whole Nymph /Alchemy situation - Nymphs use a single potion, Alchemy (Card) is multiple potions being used at once.
Art: A bunch of identical magical/bottle or potions. They are identical and bear the Essence mark.
@OT I would like to make the minimum number of Ideas for Essence. What are the quantities of each: Spells, Permanents and Creatures?