Wait wat? So you're telling me this card simply destroys cards instead of attacking the opponent? Definitely no. This would be OP with Fractal as it would come at the mere cost of 25

to get your opponent's cards out even if they have a whole bunch of Golden/Electrum Hourglasess, Sundials etc. Anyways, I like how you tried to balance it by setting up a limit, although it just needs 15

& 10

(9 upgraded) to get rid of any cards and forcing opponents to always play cards, this is also specially OP with devourer since it won't allow cards inside play, due to it's quanta drain. Also, by quanta drain, I also refer to Black Hole and Amber Nymph. And if that is the case, we call to less

spent, meaning that no matter what, you wouldn't need the several wurms whatsoever and you would leave your opponent unable to stack cards and get around you. Let's say, your opponent has 5 cards in hand, one Golden Hourglass and some


quanta. Your hand has 2 Goo Wurms, 1 Devourer and 1 Fractal. You play the Wurms and the Devourer, and then play Fractal on the Devourer and start draining a whole bunch of quanta (9). Your opponent's quanta generation will likely be outrun or be too poor for the to play cards, leaving two cards on hand out of the game and unable to play cards. You then get a Eclipse, adding some attack to your devourers and, your opponent would likely be dead soon as there is no more stuff for him/her to play. As though this card can go alone in a Mono Earth, it becomes more potent with Fractal and quanta drain. Even though, the unupped version could be destroyed easily, but the upped solves that problem. Also, there's the Sanctuary card, but it can be taken care of easily with a Steal you might have around if you're playing a Earth/Darkness duo. Fudge.