The Story of this card
I remember there being some kind of demand for cards based on position on the field. For creatures, this would most likely mean increasing attack. A card (I believe it was Satellite|Asteroid) had already done direct influence so I came up with a method of increasing attack indirectly, so to speak. Hence came the idea of a card that would gain attack for creatures attacking before it. I considered an aether or light machine that would charge a laser (IMMA FIRIN' etc.) attack but in the end chose galloping. The horse would have been life except for mitosis and adrenaline abuse.
As for the name, I didn't want to simply call it Horse or Unicorn because that would be a tad bland. A horse name such as Buttercup or Daisy just wouldn't fit. The only "older" horse name could think of was Shadowfax. Obviously copyright was active here but I wanted something of this caliber. So I Googled "medieval horse names" and found a nice long list on Yahoo answers. And because I was getting tired I just chose the one that sounded best from A - E so Berenger was chosen. Not as eventful as you might hope but there you go.