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NAME: | Shamanic Totem
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | If you heal 10 HP this turn, deal one damage to S random opponent creatures. S = stack size
| NAME: | Shamanic Totem
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 2 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Totem : If you heal 10*S HP this turn, deal 2*S damage to the target creature. S = stack size
ART: | edited from http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/8/8d/Draenei_Totem.jpg (WoW)
| IDEA: | andretimpa and Rutarete
| NOTES: | For years, the Light elementals carried on their righteous cause. But for so long, all they could do was recover; they had little means to reliably hit back. And now, they have this: The Shaman's Totem.
CC for 
The unupgraded always triggers if you manage to heal 10 HP. Making the stack bigger amplifies the effect.
The upgraded needs to be activated to trigger. Upon activation the player chooses the target that will receive the damage. Making the stack bigger amplifies the effect, but makes it harder to trigger.
The healing is counted on both yours and your opponent's turn and the trigger happens as soon as it reaches the minimum HP required. So it can trigger during your opponent's attack phase if he has an antimattered creature, for example.
Damage is not subtracted from the healing for the purposes of this card. So if, for example, your opponent has 2 -5 attack creatures and you have the unupped Totem, then it will trigger, even if you take damage between the attacks of these 2 creatures.
SoD, Stone Skin and Miracle count as healing the HP difference, for the purposes of this card.
This card stops working under SoSac.
If the targeted creature (upgraded version) is killed before the trigger takes place nothing happens (as if the permanent hadn't been activated).
We used all 4 cards: -Miracle (fuels the card) -Empathic Bond (fuels the card) -Antimatter (fuels the card when used on opponent creatures) -Voodoo Doll (can be targeted when using the upgraded Totem to deal the damage to the opponent)
| SERIES: | C-C-C-Combomaker x3
The idea that inspired us here was a ritual from some tribal religion (the main thematic connection with

), where a disease is believed to leave the body. As it leaves the body it might as well seek something else to harm.