« on: October 04, 2017, 08:56:51 am »
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NAME: | Graviton Deviant
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 4
| TEXT: | : Attract Your opponent's cards and effects redirect to this card. This card randomizes effects.
| NAME: | Graviton Aberration
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 5
| TEXT: | : Attract Your opponent's cards and effects redirect to this card. This card randomizes effects.
ART: |
| IDEA: | Linkcat
| NOTES: | A new construction gone horribly wrong.
Attract and the randomizing effect are two different effects, so other cards can be made with Attract.
Attract has a little symbol like Gravity Pull and works the same way with subsequent activations. If your opponent activates a targeting effect due to a card or a creature ability, and if the creature with Attract is a valid target, then it becomes your opponent's only available target. Yourself and your other creatures will be untargetable. Your opponent can still target himself and his own creatures as normal.
Any negative effect that affects this card is randomized to a different negative effect. Any positive effect that affects this card is randomized to a different positive effect. AoE effects and shield effects are included. Paradox is only applied if the condition is met. Duplicates like the various means of poisoning are not counted. Rage Potion and Mutation are counted as negative effects. Improved Mutation is counted as a positive effect. Devour is counted as a negative effect but is not in the negative effect pool. Cards that grant skills are counted as positive effects but are not in the positive effect pool. Chimera, Catapult, Immolation, Flooding, Shard of Patience, and Nightfall are excluded and work like normal.
| SERIES: | Card Design Competition: Help Wanted
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 09:02:19 am by Linkcat »

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