rob77dp 5 - 0
theelkspeaks | My Deck Code | Winner | My Mark | Opponent's Mark | Match Score | Mark Lost |
Game 1 | | rob77dp | | | 1-0 | none |
Game 2 | | rob77dp | | | 2-0 | none |
Game 3 | | rob77dp | | | 3-0 | none |
Game 4 | | rob77dp | | | 4-0 | none |
Game 5 | | rob77dp | | | 5-0 | none |
Summary | | | | | 5-0 | none |
Marks post-match:

Swap after R2? TBD (or none if unedited before deadline)
Marks remaining into Round 3:

G1 - PDials vs Sow-flection made it coin toss matchup, and I won coin toss. WIN
G2 - RoL/Hope with an OK draw meant once 10-DR Hope hit the table it was game over. WIN
G3 - A terri-bad draw for elk meant slow Queens and I drew a couple Dragons with early Phoenices. WIN
G4 - Good draw for mono-death meant JIT Bonewall and enough damage to play for win-turn-before-losing. RNG win #2 this match. WIN
G5 - Early Disco finally trolls for me (Disco hates trolling in my favor, usually) and a bad Pande once elk gets combo out means 50 HP victory. WIN
Gg's elk - some RNG played into this 5-0 and you deserved a better result.
Edit 1: Updated for ruling.